Chapter Seventeen

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At ten o'clock, Joey and I decided it was time to go. I had a good day with his parents. I watched basketball with Joeys dad and even helped his mum cook the dinner, which to her delight I was good at.
"Are yous sure yous can't stay the night?" His mum asked.
"We have to get up really early tomorrow, it's a nine hour drive, it's not fair to wake you guys up that early" Joey said.
"Oh damn, it was worth a try" Denise laughed "It really was great to see you both though".
"You too" I smiled as she hugged me.
"Come back soon" his dad smiled hugging me "preferably during NFL season" he whispered.
"I'll try my best" I laughed.

"See you guys soon!" His mum called as we left the house.
Joey and I hopped into the cab. "I really enjoyed today" I smiled "So did i" Joey grinned "my parents love you too, especially Dad".
"Your dad is great" I laughed "So is your mom".

The next day we hopped on the bus at eight o'clock and drove for four hours before stopping at a gas station for a break. We all hoped out of the bus to stretch our legs.
"Do you want anything to eat?" Joey asked as I got off the bus. 
"Actually just a snack would be good" I said.
"What do you want then" Joey asked.
"Suprise me" I laughed as Joey walked into the store.
Later we all boarded the bus again and just as it was about to pull off I got a phone call. "Hey do you mind if I go outside to take this?" I asked the bus driver before hopping out of the bus.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello is this Ella Harris?" The voice said.
"Yeah this is her".
"Well my name is Anna Henley from O'Donnell estate agents and I'm calling on behalf of Liz to tell you and a Mr Joseph Richter that you have been chosen for house 45 on Pemburly road LA".
"We.. we got it" I said shocked.
"Yes congratulations" She said.
"Thank you so much!" I screamed excitedly.
"Well of course we have to sort out a few more details but essentially the house is yours".
"Just thank you!" I said, my heart was beating quickly I couldn't believe this. My eyes began to tear up.
"Is suppose we will see you soon then?" She asked.
"Yes yes you definetley will, thanks!". I quickly hopped on the bus and everyone began looking at me but I could only look at Joey.
"We got it'' I said beginning to cry.
"We actually did" he said standing up, his face glowing. 
"Yes" I cried as he threw his arms around me.
I cried happy tears into his shoulder and we hugged for a moment before we pulled away. His eyes were going watery.
"What happened?!" Joe shouted.
"Yeah what's did yous get?" Jim asked. 
"Wait did yous guys seriously get it" Lauren said walking over to us.
"Yeah, we did" I smiled.
"Oh my Gosh I'm so happy for you guys!" She squealed hugging both of us.
"What did yous get!".
"Suppose we better tell them" I said to Joey. Joey smiled and nodded and then began to speak.
"The real reason we had to stay in L.A was because we applied for a house over there and well we got it" Joey smiled.
"Yo-you're moving?" Brian asked.
"Yeah" I said.
"Guys I'm so happy for you!" He exclaimed followed by a few others congratulating us.
"Wait does this mean you're leaving team starkid" Meredith asked.
"No of course not!" I said "Were going to come home for productions, we wouldn't miss them for the world. We're always going to be a part of team starkid".
"Oh thank god" Jaime sighed.
"Yous know it wouldn't be the same without you guys" Jim said "It's already pretty weird without Darren being here".
"That means a lot Jim, but trust us, we're not going to miss a thing".

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