[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 6

Start from the beginning

"Yay!" the two 'children' exclaimed, raising their arms up. Tch! Kids in the house...

I went straight into the kitchen and placed the dishes on the sink. I started washing them. While I was busy (F/n) and flea seems to busy themselves by talking random things. They were noisy and they won't shut up.

"Shut up!" I told them, trying to look intimidating. Shinra had an apologetic look on his face which she didn't have. I went back to my business and they started chatting again from low tone back to the volume when I shouted at them.

I didn't mind them anymore. I am bothered with what flea told me...

"(F/n) is good enough to be your wife." ... Cut that crap! I don't want (F/n)! If I were to fall for a woman, she would be the last in the list!

"Whoa!" A plate slipped. I was lucky I caught if before it fell.

"Shizuo?!" Flea rushed to the kitchen. "What happened?"

"Nothing," I retorted without looking back at him. "I'm almost finished here. You and (F/n), just chat."

"Um... okay." He left the kitchen and did what I told him.

Even if I were to break a plate, it wouldn't matter to him. I have crushed plenty of his silver cups and he didn't demand any compensation. Heh!

As I finished washing the plates, I dried my hands and went back to the living room where the two were staying. They were playing video games already.

"Oh. Shizuo, you're back," Shinra greeted me.

"You're playing video games. Why not watch TV?" I asked.

"The antenna connection was cut off... there is a storm, remember?" (F/n) mocked.

I ignored her. If I keep minding her, we'll end up scrapping. I just sat near the two of them.

"Why don't you just play with us?" She offered, throwing the pod to me. I caught it.

"Now, now, Missy. Shizu-chan don't play video games. He never had interests for them," Shinra commented.

"Don't call me that. You remind me of the bastard," I told him, glaring.

"Sorry, sorry..."

"Oh? What a waste," said (F/n).

The entire day finished with the two of them playing video games and me watching them, since I don't have anything to do. It's still storming hard outside. Even if all windows are closed, I can feel and hear it.

"Ah! It's over!" Shinra exclaimed as he stretched his arms out after he and (F/n) finished playing.

"I wish there's some continuation," (F/n) added, rubbing her eyes. "But I'm tired, too." She yawned.

"Hey, Shinra. When the storm calms down, (F/n) and I are leaving," I told him while they were busy keeping the game console.

"Aw. Why don't you two just stay for the night?" he answered. "The storm doesn't look like it'll die sooner."

"What? We...? Stay for the night?" (F/n) reacted. "You're doing us so much favor."

"Nah." He shrugged off. "That's better that you two dying due to that storm. (F/n), you're not a super human." He winked.

"Alright," (F/n) answered, confused. She pouted.

Shinra went to the other room and I followed him until the door. "Shinra... this is the first time we met (F/n). How can you be so easy letting her stay overnight?"

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