[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

(F/n) bent down to take his sun glass and hand it to him. She's overfilled with enthusiasm that she started prancing away from him.

"Uh, wait!" he called out, but it didn't reach her. She was already far.

(F/n) went the other way.


[Shizuo's POV]

What's with her, really? I don't understand her at all. She blatantly picked a fight with me earlier... and then she went to me as if the fight wasn't anything serious. Is she serious about the apology?

I looked down at the gift check she gave me.

RUSSIAN SUSHI --- 20,000.00' --- Consume before Dec. 29

Simon's restaurant, huh? Not a bad choice... At least, if she's really a stalker and she's up to something, Simon is there to back up. Er... something...

I sighed. I guess I'll go after all. It's been a while since I last ate at Simon's place.

I looked over to the restaurant and saw Simon giving out fliers to random passerbys. Poor guy; this isn't the right hour.

He saw me and waved at me. So, I waved back.

I folded the gift certificate into 16th and slipped it in my pocket. In my other pocket, I pulled out the list of groceries. It was long. When I put it up to shoulder level, the entire list reached up to my knees. I sighed.

Time to live my life. It's dawn. I'll go to the grocery store and complete this list before it is deep in the night.


[Reader's POV]

I looked back again and he disappeared in my sight. He's on the move? No, I'm on the move, and he's suspecting me.

I stopped prancing after I left him. It won't be too good to kill him now. I'm in the public. I kept my pocket knife hidden.

When I heard my phone ring, I immediately took it. My expression turned sour as I read the name of the caller – Orihara Izaya. It's that bastard information broker again. His name reminds me of being a failure. I'm just lucky enough, my master Jinnai hasn't called me yet.

I hesitantly brought it up to my ears and answered him. "What is it?" I guess my voice was just plainly harsh.

"Ouch! So cruel, (F/n)!" He's good at pretending he was hurt. "I was only going to ask about Shizu-chan."

I didn't answered. I'm simply irritated.

"You let him get away, didn't you?" I felt a shiver with the way he spoke those words.

"It's not your business; I'm hanging up," I coldly retorted.

As I was about to press the END CALL button, he squeaked, "Wait up!" I held back. "I'm not giving you any deadline, so take as much time as you please, okay?"

He said it as if he was a child. "Whatever," I muttered, then I hung up.

Geez. He sucks. He doesn't have to care!

I was shutting my phone when a thief passed by and snatched it in my grasp. "Hey! Give it back!" I shouted as I ran after him. My phone stands out, another reason why I was hesitant to answer that call. Yet, even in a city silent as Ikebukuro, there are thieves everywhere. Damn it!

I chased him everywhere, I even threw away my heels and ran on bare feet. I was lucky his comrades haven't showed up, but this is still exhausting and annoying at the same time.

I sped up and finally cornered him in front of an abandoned warehouse. I kicked him in the ass hard and he fell to the ground, face first.

"Give me back my phone..." I said calmly, but intimidatingly as I stretched my hand out.

"Fool! Do you think I will give it back to you?!" he shouted at me. He was very tense and he was sweating profusely. I gave him a good beating, then he gave up.

"H-Here is your phone. Y-you can have it back," he said, handing it to me.

"Thank you," I said with a smile as I took it. I looked at it to see if it wasn't damaged in any way.

He was smirking. I was confused, and that smirk gives me the creeps. "You're few seconds late to escape," he muttered.

I felt shivers and spun around. Suddenly, there is a bunch of thugs in front of me, charging their metal tubes above my head, ready to swing them.

I squeezed my eyes as I run away. I heard the metal clash, but I wasn't sure I what happened. At least I wasn't hit.

I heard them scream... I was grateful to whoever saved me. I am safe!

When I got home, I immediately threw myself to bed without bothering to change clothes. I opened my laptop and did research on tomorrow's forecast. It might be helpful in some ways.


[Shizuo's POV]

I was done shopping and I was on my way home, when a group of members from different color gangs bumped on me.

"Move it!" they shouted, but it was late. My juice pack spread all over the pavement and wet my other groceries.

"The fuck!!" I yelled. I was so angry at them, I chased them out of reflex.

Chasing them made me end up in front of an old warehouse. When I got there, I saw a man sitting on the floor and a woman standing in front of him. I recognize her, she was the one who gave me the gift certificate – the CREEPER...

When I saw her, I didn't want to help. She meant nothing to me, but her aura brings me bad news.

Then, the other men went behind her and charged the metal tubes they picked on the way above her. They're about to hit her.

If she dies, it will be my responsibility! I will be guilty that I was here and I didn't help!

My reflex act on their own again. I instantly grabbed the old van door I saw and sent it flying towards the group of men. That way, she was able to run away and escape. I also got my payback when they hit me, although I won't demand them to pay it back.

"You bastard!" One of them shouted and went to me to land a punch, but I was fast and I kicked him hard in the abdomen. He spat out blood.

The other two went on me, carrying their metal tubes, but I went in between them and grabbed their ears, smashing their heads together. Their blood stained my shirt.

I walked my way to the last man conscious. I was thinking that if he gets away, more men will come to bother me. As I got near him, he screamed with his ear piercing voice as if I was slaughtering him even if I wasn't doing anything.

I covered my ears. "You shut up, will you?!" I kicked him and sent him unconscious.

I walked out of the place, really pissed. Both my morning and my night were ruined! What is with today?! Tch!

When I looked straight to my front, I saw Celty parking her bike before me. She pulled her PDA, typed something and showed it to me. "You got into another fight?" she asked.

I nodded. "Some bastards don't know who to mess with," I told her.

"I see, I see..." she replied through her PDA, "I'll give you a ride. You can't go home looking like that."

"Oh yeah." I looked down at my shirt, stained red. "Thanks Celty, I owe you one."

I sat behind her and held the bike firmly. Then, she put on some black helmet on my head with her substance.

She brought me home and dropped me by. Then, she waved. I stretched my arms as I went inside my house. I was empty handed again this time.

Maybe I should call Tom-san and cancel our meeting tomorrow. It will be troublesome if I can't be there on time.

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