[Assassin's Arc] Chapter 2

Start from the beginning



My eyelids weakly fluttered open. I was feeling dizzy. I want to head back to sleep, but the bright light kept me from falling back. It's hurting my eyes...

"Have you finally woken up, amateur?" I hear the same voice again. What the heck? It's giving me the creeps.

I snapped as I came to realization. "Wha-?!" I exclaimed. Ugh! My head is throbbing! ... Wait? Was I unconscious?!

He started pulling my cheek. "You look like you're in good shape, though."

I turned my head to the side forcefully so that he's let go. There, I saw a lady with long black hair. Her eyes expresses her emotions clearly. I knew she was lacking something. But the way she stood up and the way she crosses her arms to her front covers up her weakness.

"Who are you?" I asked her with a serious face, out of the blue.

"It's not important to know who I am," she retorted nonchalantly.

I struggled out of the ropes, but the ties were so tight, I can't get out.

"I took all your arms and weapons... they're first class; they don't fit you," Orihara taunted, showing me my confiscated arms.

"You bastard!" I shouted at him and spat. The woman grimaced at what I did.

"Jinnai, was it?" he asked, approaching me with his hands inserted in his pocket. I was surprised he figured out who ordered me to kill him that fast.

I didn't answer.

"The last time really hurts... that time his men stabbed me..." He stoop close to my face, trying to intimidate me.

"That was because you fucking broke all the information and you don't answer your calls!" I snapped at his face, "I'm not frightened with your ugly rat face!"

That's it. I guess I went too far. I should have just killed him right away. Orihara Izaya is not an easy target...

At that instant, he grabbed my face and squeezed it between his fingers, while pressing the heel of his shoe on one of my feet. I squeezed my eyes, wincing in pain.

"You really do know how to get into my nerves, assassin," he told me, intensifying my pain. "You can't kill me, but I can kill you right now," he added, raising a knife.

"I'm not afraid to die... I'm not afraid to die..." I keep telling myself. But, the way I felt when my tears accumulated and how swollen my throat felt like, I knew it. I don't want to die even if I've taken countless lives to survive the hostility of the environment. I don't have anyone to count on. I don't have anyone left but myself.

I belong to a family of notorious assassins. They died the assassin's way. I wanted to avoid that fate, but I don't have enough strength to make my own way.

"Stop that nonsense, Izaya!" The maiden yelled at him. "I won't clean up the mess for you if she bled everywhere!"


The black haired man laughed. "Yeah, yeah. I get it, I get it," he assured her.

What now?

Oh. He thought of an idea. "Instead of me, why don't you just take Shizu-chan as your target?" He smiled at me and sighed. "He's always popping up and chasing me around Ikebukuro like crazy, just to kill me." The pressure on me also decreased.

A comrade!!!

"Y-You want me to kill him?" I asked intently to make him let go of me and he did.

"Yes! I'll pay you 10 times your price," he retorted jubilantly.

"You wanted to bribe her?" The girl interrupted, "Plots like that won't work well anymore, Izaya."

Besides, how will he know how much to pay me? I accept that I failed tonight, and I'm ... sorta... in a pinch. But wouldn't that put me into more trouble?! My family name has been dirtied and it will be even more trampled if I fail again!

Moreover, why on Earth will I accept an assassinating mission from my 'frustrated' assassination target?!

"Also, if you agree to kill Shizu-chan for me, I won't kill you," he added. The girl called him and whispered something.

Now he's block mailing me. No - threatening me with my life...

I sighed. I guess I have no choice. I have to make more rackets... I haven't made any for so long. I'm running out of money.

Should I kill that Shizu-chan he's talking about? Then after I claim the money, I kill Izaya next? Will that be good enough?

I took me long to think. I'm not really sure whether to agree or not.

"Good," I heard him say, "His full name is Heiwajima Shizuo." Then, he gave me the details.


Unreasonable crap...



Sucks to be me... I sighed. I was no good!

That is the reason why I'm tailing the blonde bartender now. It isn't because I'm stalking him good for nothing, or anything like that. I'm doing this because I have to do this. I have to execute my mission and return with the bounty on hand.

But really...

...DAMN IT ALL !!!


>>> Short A/N: I apologize for not updating in so long. I was convinced that no one is reading this story in Wattpad, so I went to just continue uploading the new chapters in Quotev. 

Here's the link: https://www.quotev.com/story/8937368/DRRR-Shizuo-x-Reader-Your-Target-Savior

To make it convenient to everyone (since I saw that there are reads, and special thanks to the readers :3), I will upload the current chapters here as well!


Please feel free to check my Quotev account: @RoletakerAki53
complete link: www.quotev.com/RoletakerAki53

I will take it as an honor. Thank you in advance! Love lots!

(Durarara!! - Shizuo x Reader) Your Target-SaviorWhere stories live. Discover now