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Two years passed since the tragedy happen. Two years since a tall masculine man save a petite boy from a nightmare, it has been a long time but the scar that left them was still there.

It is autumn already, the flowers started to wither slowly. Various colors of tree leaves started to sway its way down to the ground, sleeping there peacefully.

A steps can be heard one cloudy day, he was surrounded by autumn leaves and thombstones. Carrying a basket of flowers for a very dear person, holding a candle which symbolizes the light in his darkness, the hope of his tommorows. He walked until he reached the thombstone of his beloved, the person who he admires the most, the person who saved his life.

Tears started to fell down his cheeks, remembering the past. He smiled, placed his offerings and said "Hey, its been a long time." Slowly wiping his tears dry. "I will never forget the way how you smile to me, the way you look at me with love."

He burst his tears out not minding the world he lived one. He suffered a lot, he lost the person who became the reason why he lived. He lost his hope and strength, but despite those challenges he encountered he showed to the world how strong he was to face the world alone.

He is no more a coward, he is a warrior.

"You know grandma, a lot of thing happened since the day you left me. I am really sorry for not even visiting you one here. The past was still coming back up till now." He smiled and wipe his tears. "I brought you your favorite flowers. Red tulips, I still remembered it after all those years! I also brought you favourite chamomile scent candle." He smiled he joy. "You one said to me that candles can make a woman more attractive. I still dont know what you meant by that~" he laughed not minding how his chest clenched from pain.

"Grandma, I have something to tell you." Baekhyun tears stopped swelling from his sad eyes replaced by the sweetest smile and eyes full of sympathy. "I said yes to him!"

The man next to the small boy smiled showing his dimples. "After we fought the demon that is bothering me. He started to court me. The funny thimg was he courted me for two years! I cant believe that he survived waiting for my yes. Im so lucky to have him." Baekhyun said and the smile never vanished.

"Let me introduce him to you grandma!" He cheered. " This is Park Chanyeol" Baekhyun said holding the tallers hand. "The man who showed me the things that you once showed me, thank you so much grandma for everything. Please guide us everyday."

"Grandma, I promise you to take care of this little angel beside me. He is the best thing that happen to me. I will love him, I promise you" Chanyeol said looking to the name of the thombstone and to the love of his life.

"Grandma I promise you that I will come here again! I love you grandma so much." Baekhyun bid his goodbye afterwards. The taller held his waist and they both start walking on their way to Chanyeol's car.

"Babe, Luhan said that they are going to our villa to spend time together. Should we go?" Chanyeol asked his lover, he opened the car door for him and waited for him to settle inside. He closed the door and started his way to the driver seat. "I think we should go. Its been a long time since we spend quality time together."

"Mmkay, just rest for a while now, it will take for about one hour to go there." The taller said after fastening his seatbelt. "Sleep okay?" He grabbed a pillow that he bought on the backseat, gave it to Baekhyun and kissed his forehead sweetly. Baekhyun just showed his sweet smile for him.

All of their friends are getting along together now after the incident. Sehun and Luhan start dating. Whilst Kai and Kyungsoo is also dating, but their attitude was way too different from each other tahts why they often fight but not seriously to the point they eill separate. But later on they seems so close to each other. Chanyeol thought that they made a great squad.

He started to drive their way to the villa, this villa was bought by the trio Chanyeol, Kai, and Sehun. It is a three storey house, with a pool and a beach on the backyard. The reason the purchased it at first is for them to have a home taht is out of worries and to escape from pressure. But now that every single one of them have something special in their hearts. It became a lovers villa.

An hour passed until they arrive. It is already 4 PM and everyone is already inside the house deciding what to eat for dinner.

"Lets BBQ for dinner!" Luhan said to everyone. "I think it sounds good! Its been a long ass time since I last ate it." Baekhyun agreed to his friend. The other boys agreed to but not Kai who wants chicken.

"Fine! I'll order my own chicken!" Kai pouted opposing their ideas, he then dialed the for a delivery.

"Kyung help me prepare the dishes!" Baekhyun asked the other politely. Kyungsoo, without second thoughts, helped his dear friend. Chanyeol and Sehun prepared the griller and table outside. While Luhan prepared the kitchen utensils that they need to use outside.

It took them a lot of time settle everything. Everyone was already outside ready for their dinner. Chanyeol started to grill guided by Baekhyun beside him. Luhan, Sehun and Kyungsoo was chatting on the table while Kai is still grumpy waiting for his chicken delivery.

The meats started to cook gradually and everyone of them are enjoying their time under the moon feeling the breeze on their skin.

"Guys, uhmm we have announcement for all of you" Chanyeol started. "Baekhyun and I are already dating!" Everyone eyes was on them. " Finally! Congratulations!" Kai spoke with sarcasm. "You know its okay if both of you wont say it because we can really tell you know. I even thought that you are dating a long time ago." Kyungsoo applied. " The thing that I am more shocked was it took 2 fucking years! Seriously?" They all laughed.

They spend a lot of time making it the best night for them. After they're done eating, they all cleaned all their mess and the three lovers have gone to their rooms. They are luck that the walls in the bedrooms are all soundproof.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun shares the same room. "Chanyeol Im going to have a hot tub you might want to join me?" The smaller asked the taller with the taint of pink on his cheeks. "Awe baby, you don't have to be embarass to ask about it. You go on first Ill prepare tge necessities." The taller said and Baekhyun made his way towards the tub, he added some water and put a stawberry bath bomb. He remove all his garments wrapped around his body and placed himself on the tub. Chanyeol came soon and joined the smaller letting his back rest in his chest while his hands was wrapped around the latters waist. While Baekhyun was playing with the rubber duck.

"Baekhyun" the taller ssaid with gentle and sincere voice. "Do you know that from the very beggining, Im inlove with you."  Baekhyun looked at him with confusion. " It was like love at fist sight Byun Baekhyun. Everyday, Im falling for you"  Chanyeol stared on the smallers orbs. Looking at him like he is the most precious thing in the entire world.

Thank you my love, for fighting the game of life with me.

I love you.

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