"Sheetalji. Please. Don't cry" said Anjali.

" Khushi Bitiya. Why did you do this ??"asked Nani.

"Khushiji. Why are you not talking now ??"asked Anjali.

" yes. Mrs. Jha. I did it. What will you people do now ?? File a case on me and drag me to the court" asked Khushi.

"HHBB. She is not any Jha now. She is Anjali Raizada now" said Mami.

" But she isn't still divorced yet. So, legally she will still be termed as Mrs.Anjali Jha" said Khushi.

" Don't change the topic Khushiji. The matter here is not about my marital status. It is about you leaked the news to media" said Anjali with little anger.

" Di, Nani. Leave this topic right now" said Arnav.

" How could we Chote ?? How could we leave this topic like this ?? How can Khushiji link up you with innocent Sheetalji ?? Even she too is a woman, then how can she defame another woman Chote. Didn't she thought what consequences falls on Sheetalji ?? How will world look at Sheetalji now ?? It is her fault that she took her husband's closeness to guests in a wrong way... It is her fault to feel soo insecure about her husband... She is jealous of me because you love me more than her. ..If she had truly loved you, then why did she left you. She din't even cared all these months for you. Then why are you still supporting her" asked Anjali angrily. She was in an fury where she is not thinking what should talk what not.

"Enough Di" shouted Arnav making everyone jerk in fear.

" Not a word more about my wife.. I won't tolerate even you say a word to Khushi. Yes, I know it is she who gave news to media and I don't have any grudges. She did what she felt is right. What would a girl do when her husband is not seeing the truth ?? And coming to she leaving me, there is no fault of hers, entire fault is mine... I have always taken her for granted and I din't find it necessary to clear her insecurities... She is not jealous of you Di because I love you both equally. So, don't blame her. ..Coming to divorce, I have already said it is between me and my wife, we will take care of our life. No need for anyone to interfere." said Arnav angrily. His Di crossed all limits today.

Anjali stumbled back with tears while Sheetal held her. Khushi felt immensely satisfied with Arnav's answer to Anjali.

" Now. I will say what I want to. " said Arnav then turning to Sheetal, he said" Sheetal. I am giving you one day. You and your son have to leave this house. I don't care where and how you find the house, but I won't even hesitate you to throw out of this house"

" Sheetal and Aarav won't go anywhere" said Anjali stubbornly. Arnav looked at his Di angrily.

" There is no any option Di. They have to leave" said Arnav too.

" Chote. please understand. I can't live without Aarav" said Anjali crying.

" He is not your son Di to say that you can't live with out him" said Arnav irritated.

" I don't know all that. I want Aarav. He and sheetalji stay here forever" said Anjali.

All others looking helplessly at the brother and sister while Khushi is enjoying it completely.

" Is it your last decision ??"asked Arnav calmly.

"Yes" said Anjali.

" Then listen my decision too. When you want them both here, keep them how many days you want..I will leave this house along with my wife FOREVER." Said Arnav stressing last words.

Everyone including Khushi looked at him with disbelief.

"Chote. What are you saying ??"asked Nani.

" I am Sorry Nani. When Di can look for her happiness, then I too will look for mine. I mean my words" said Arnav.

" Ok. Do Whatever you want ?? Let Sheetalji and Aarav leave the house. But please can they go after my birthday party which is after two days" pleaded Anjali.

Arnav nodded his head and left from there.. Khushi went upstairs as she completed her breakfast.

When Khushi came into the room, she was getting ready to go when Payal entered the room.

She looked at her jiji confused.

"I am Sorry Khushi" said Payal " I am really a bad sister. I am soo involved in my life that I failed to see my sister's suffering. I am very sorry"

" It's okay " mumbled Khushi and left from there leaving a shattered Payal behind.

Thanks to those who commented and voted for previous update..

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