"Is Michael going to be there?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and giggled against his lips. "No, not that I know of. Why? Are you jealous?" I asked and he gripped my waist tightly, pinning my back to my car. 

"Very. I don't play nice with people who come after what's mine." "I'm not yours though." 

"You're mine. Mine." He kissed my lips and then my neck. "Mine." He pressed a kiss to my collar bone. "Mine." He grabbed my ass and I chuckled. "Mine." I whispered pointing to his heart and he gave me a smirk. 

"Mine." He pointed to mine and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. 

"Dinner tomorrow at 7, I'll pick you up." He said and I sighed. "Maybe. I'll get back to you." "I'll stop by your office in the morning to discuss it then." He opened my car door for me and I bit my lip. 

"I won't be there. I have meeting meetings for my business business. I'll try to be back by lunch time but don't quote me for anything. I'll just call you tonight and tell you my plan or something." "I'll be looking forward to it." "Okay." "Okay." He said before pressing a sweet kiss on my lips and closed the door after I got in as the delivery truck came in with the coke. 

I drove home and took a shower. I brushed my teeth and finally put on my deodorant on and undergarments. I bit my lip as I called Harry.

"Hello?" "Babe?" "Yes?" "I need help." I pouted as I looked in my closet.

"With?" "I don't know what to wear. I don't know if I should wear a dress or jeans or shorts." "Personally, I would say a dress but that's only because I'd like to take it off you. I'd probably just go with jeans." "You sure?" I bit my lip and heard him chuckle. 

"I'm sure whatever you wear will be amazing baby." "Thank you. Bad news also." "About?" "Seeing you." "What?" He sounded alarmed. "I might end up staying the night at my mom's house so will probably push my meetings back because she lives 2 hours out of town." I heard him sigh. 

"I'll drive you." "No, don't. Seb will but I'll still call you tonight as planned if I do stay. Like I said, it's a maybe." "Be safe." "I will." I hung up and slipped on my black t-shirt dress with my black knee high boots. 

I slipped my hair into a high pony tail and did my makeup before leaving. I walked outside my house to see Harry pulling in. 

"Hey." I was surprised. "You look beautiful." He pressed a kiss to my lips and handed me my purse. "Forgetting something though?" He winked and I blushed deeply and thanked him for it. 

"Sebs here. Come on, I'll introduce you." I said intertwining my hand in his and lead him to Sebastian's black SUV as my familiar dark eyed and dark haired friend got out. 

"Hey Seb." I smiled and hugged him with one arm. "Hey, who's this?" He extended his hand to Harry who just eyed him. 

"Harry this is Sebastian. Sebastian this is Harry." "Boyfriend?" Sebastian asked and I sighed. "Special friend." I said and he nodded. 

"I brought the baby with me. Want to see her?" He pointed to the car with his thumb and I nearly lost it. "You brought Avery?" I was skipping around like a child as he laughed and lead me by the hand to the car. He opened the door and unbuckled his two week old daughter from the seat. 

"Oh my god! She's so cute! I want to love her with all my heart!" I cooed as I held her, pressing a kiss to her head. "Why are you so goddamn weird?" Seb asked with an eye roll. 

"I am not. Babe look at how cute she is." I said to Harry who was looking at me in amusement. "She is." "You're not even looking!" I put the baby on my shoulder and kissed her head. 

"One day I'm going to have like 20 of these little things." "Really now?" "Yes. I have to stop seeing you if you will not give me 20 children in the future." "20 is a little much no? Why not like 5?" "Too little. I'm too much of a sex addict with you to settle for anything other than 10." 

"You're disgusting." Sebastian grimaced and took his daughter from me. "No I'm not." I said and he gave me a look. "What you and your boyfriend do is not my business." He strapped Avery into her seat and looked at me. 

"Are you ready to go? I'm hungry and I want your mom's food." He pat his belly and I rolled my eyes. "I will see you tonight. I'll try to get home so I can sleep with you because I know if I don't I won't be getting any tonight." I yawned and pressed my lips to Harry's. 

"Be safe. Take care of my girl mate." He looked at Seb who nodded, locking his phone. "My wife said the same thing." "She's loved." Harry smirked and I shook my head at Seb who smirked, knowing what I was saying no to. 

"No. My wife and this one used to be sex buddies in college. They had a little sex thing going on so that's why she said 'Take care of my girl' because technically Leslie was her girlfriend at one point." "I was not! It was a play thing." I defended and Harry widened his eyes. 

"I have so many questions." Harry looked down at me and I blushed and hid my face in my hands. "Sebastian you're an asshole. I should've brought Anthony." "You slept with his wife too." He said and I smacked him. "We were experimenting!" "Three ways?" "Yes. Bye Harry." I walked to my side of the car and got in. I could see him smirking at me as he got into his car. I was in so much shit because of Sebastian.

"Your boyfriend is great." Seb commented as he got in, backing out.

"Well thanks for that. Honestly!" "You're very welcome babygirl." He winked and drove. 

Empire- An Au Hs Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now