Yippie vampires ¤ Note my sarcasm

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¤"I know life is hard, I think everyone knows that in their hearts, but why does it have to be cruel as well? Why does it have to bite? ~ Stephen King¤


It started to rain. I have nothing against the rain in fact I find it calming but little miss beloved started shaking and ran up to the door.

"Tch why do I have to put up with this?" I muttered flipping my hood over my head. I stuck another stick of gum in my mouth knowing over the next hour I'm going to be stressed.

"Its raining?" She stated. Oh really I didn't notice. 'Like seriously what did I do in a past life to deserve this?' I blew another bubble. Pop.

Yui looked at me "Can you stop chewing that gum?"


She snaps at me "We will be living here so if you don't mind!"

"I do."

Her face tuned red and she looked like she wanted to explode on me.

Lightning cracks and the idiot jumps, like drop the innocent act stupid. 'Try to be brave for once in your miserable existence.' She still flinches when thunder follows, 'Stop just stop you'll never be as cool as Haruhi so stop trying.' I think quite annoyed at this point.

"You gonna knock or we just gonna stand here all day cause if so sayonara sucker." I tell her impatiently smacking my gum to add emphasis.

She knocks lightly and stuttered out a small hello.

I sweatdropped, 'Sweet mother of death why was I sent with her of all people?! At least get me someone with a backbone. Stupid church I hope you all rot in Tartarus!'

No one answered. Of course casue that'd be too easy.

"Welp no ones home goodbye blondie, have a horrible life." I said as I turned on my heal, I glanced back when she grabbed my wrist.

"Let go of me." I said murderously, with a dark gleam in my green eyes. My hair shadowing my face enough to show that she shouldn't test me. Ever.

She dropped my hand like it was on fire, and flinched under my gaze. "G-g-gomen. Pl-please! W-wait! M-maybe they d-didnt hear u-us?" She asked hopefully.

I rolled my eyes, how naive. I watched her turn and reach for the handle. The door swung open quietly before her slim fingers touched the brass handle.

"Eep!" She squeaked, slowly stepping in.

"What is this a horror movie cause if so I'm out boi. I ain't gonna be that stupid white chick that dies nuh uh we already got one of those." The Beloved Bimbo looked up at me fearfully. I continued chewing my gum loudly.

I ignored her and continued my rant. "I didn't sign up for the first five minutes of Supernatural, you got that." I rambled suspiciously. Glaring at the dark interior. Pop. I blew another bubble.

Yui getting more and more nevous by listening to my speech. Calls out, really stupidly if I might add I mean who does that in these kinda situations, yeah thats right the characters that are the first to die. Its not like the killer, ghost thing is gonna be like 'Yea I'm in the kitchen you want a sandwich?'

"Is anyone home? Hello?" She stops by the stairs. I linger by the door cause I might need to make a hasty escape if the owners are as freaky as the interior designer made it seem then I'm in either in great company or with psychopaths.

I look up and Yui's gone. Well I always knew she'd be the first to die. Too bad I wasn't the one to kill her . I then hear a yelp conformation that blondie is if fact still alive. Glancing over to my far left lying on some loveseat couch thing, to see Yui pinned to the sofa by a red head boy.

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