Chapter 9: Questions and Answers

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I tiptoed quietly into the house, praying that everyone was still asleep. Last night, after the bar, I decided to stay over at Diana's place instead of coming home. I left my phone here yesterday, so I couldn't call Sasha and give her an excuse to explain why I needed to stay out late. She's probably worried sick.

Thankfully, the house was silent and motionless. I took a deep breath, continuing through the foyer and into the kitchen. Although I haven't been away from Diana for more than an hour, I really can't stop thinking about her. Last night was one of the best nights I've had in years.

I grabbed an apple from the counter, sinking my teeth into it as I headed back out of the room and toward the stairs. As I passed the living room, I spotted a figure on the couch out of the corner of my eye. Startled, I quickly turned around, peeping my head into the room.

Sasha sat there with her arms folded and a dark look in her eyes. She looked up at me, her face stiffening as her eyes met mine. As terrified as I was, I tried to act natural, plastering on a smile and stepping into the room.

"Hey, baby girl." I greeted her. "What are you doing up so early?"

Unfazed, she cocked her head to the side. "Where have you been?"

"I had a meeting." I responded, struggling to hold eye contact.

"Yeah?" She questioned. "With who?"

It was obvious that she didn't believe a single word I said, and I grew increasingly nervous.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Um, my lawyer."

"Your lawyer, huh?" She snorted. "You had a meeting with your lawyer that lasted until five o'clock in the morning?"

I nodded slowly, unable to form a more logical excuse. "The meeting ran late. I didn't want to drive all the way home so I just slept over at his house."

She narrowed her eyes, still unmoved by my lies. "I think you should sit down." She suggested, gesturing toward the seat next to her.

I obeyed, swallowing a lump in my throat as I crossed the room and sat down, laying my apple on the coffee table. "Is everything okay?" I asked, failing to sound genuine.

She suddenly reached into her pocket, pulling out a rectangular object and holding it in front of me. My cell phone.

"Oh, thanks." I chuckled apprehensively as she handed me the phone. "I thought I lost this thing for a second."

She leaned back against the couch, staring at me intently. "Tell me about Diana." She spoke.

My heart stopped, but I refused to show it. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion. "Who?"

"Don't act stupid, Michael." She retorted. "I went through your phone, and I saw everything."

I pretended to be shocked, my mouth hanging open. "You went through my phone?"

"Don't try to change the subject." She snapped. "Tell me about Diana. I want to know everything about her. How old is she? Let's start with that."

I shrugged, still avoiding the truth. "I don't even know what you're talking about. I think this is just a big misunderstanding."

"Oh god, I hate when you do that." She groaned, running her hands over her face. "I'm not an idiot, okay? I know what I saw. There's no point in lying anymore, Michael. Just tell the truth!"

I gulped, breaking eye contact and looking down. There's really no way out of this, huh? I mean, she has proof this time. How can I deny the obvious truth? As much as I want to continue to lie and make up excuses, I know in my heart that enough is enough. Now is the time to come clean.

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