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Hey guys! I'm miraculously alive!

This isn't a miracle who tf am I kidding like lemme die already...


Yea, hi, I'm back. Some of you might have already known that because I published a Miami RaM fic or whatever but I AM ALIVE.

There are other stories I'm trying to finish before school starts because, you know, school sucks away all free time so by the time I'm out of school and clock out of work I barely have time to shower, eat, and do homework.


I know there are so many of you probably hating me for not doing your stories yet but I promise I will try my best to get them done. But I'm so excited for the other full-on books I have going like *screech* I'M OVERWHELMED

Mostly because I wanna get these ideas out and claimed before somebody somewhere else has the same thought and I'm left like 'aw shit man I should've hurried my ass up'.

But yea. I will get to those eventually. I'm so sorry to leave y'all hanging. Hate me if you want.

Sorry! I'll do my best, I promise!

~ Kyra 'Kyle' Awesome-McLastName ~

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