TEN ━ ❝cat and mouse❞

Start from the beginning

         "I kinda thought you'd be with Angelina and Cho," Calypso admitted back.

         "No," Birdie shook her head, "Angelina's sitting with others on the Gryffindor team to talk plays and Cho's sitting with Cedric Diggory. She wrote about it, making a huge fuss. So, well, I'm alone."

         "Well not anymore," Calypso said decisively, "And, well, I actually wanted to apologize."

         "Really? What for?"

         Calypso sighed, "I was overreacting before. I mean, of course you were still talking to them, they're your friends. I was just upset and that my own feelings get in the way. I shouldn't have done anything I did, especially afterwards. You didn't deserve any of it."

         "For what it's worth, I'm sorry too," Birdie said back earnestly, "I should've told you upfront instead of letting it become almost a secret. I just, Calypso...you're my best friend and I never wanted to lose you. Even more than them because you've always been there for me and I just wanted to do the same for you."

         The Black girl nodded, glad that her apology had been accepted and they could move past it. "So, how was your Christmas?"

         Birdie broke out into a bright smile, "It was amazing! So, my grandparents came to visit and got me this amazing necklace, only thing is it's super expensive and everything so I can't just wear it every day in case I lose it or someone steals it. But it's so beautiful, Cal! And when I say expensive, I mean so much so that my parents didn't even let me bring it to school!"

         "You have to show it to me when I come over to your house this summer," Calypso made her promise.

         "Um, of course!" Birdie agreed easily, "And we went and saw the Nutcracker a few days before Christmas and everyone was so beautiful and elegant. Like, I was getting so jealous of all the performers but they were absolutely amazing. I helped out at the shop, too. That was pretty boring but my dad let me go to the joke shop during my break sometimes and paid for me to get something."

         "Sounds like you had a great time," Calypso concluded when Birdie finished speaking.

         The girl nodded quickly, "I really did. How was your Christmas?"

         "Oh, great. My dad came over on Christmas Eve and we had dinner together. It was so great to see my parents together and having an actual conversation, not just like 'hey, here she is' before handing me over. And my cousins came over for Christmas and we watched so many different Christmas movies – of course my aunt brought a Disney one," they both giggled, "And I went bowling again with my cousins, even got my other one to actually come along. I spent a whole day with my dad near the end of the break which was nice, I haven't been by his house in what feels like forever."

         Birdie didn't know much about her family. Cousins and her aunt were left nameless because she didn't like dragging Nadia and Maia into everything, even if it was only with one person – and one who would never tell another living soul. Leo was mostly left out of it since the two were likely to never meet unless she got married, which was unlikely. Calypso never really liked the thought of marriage. Well, more like it never appealed to her, much like relationships. And Birdie was happy to just leave them nameless.

         Bridie rolled her eyes, "You said you spent a whole week there during summer."

         "Two, actually," Calypso corrected, "But that was only because Uncle Pads had just escaped and the media were ruthless when it came to surrounding our house."

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