SEVEN ━ ❝mistakes have been made❞

Start from the beginning

         And they were. It was only a partial lie. Technically, he wasn't dead but everyone believed he was, so why would she tell the truth to one person now? It was easier just to lie, like always.

         "Wow," Lee leaned back in his seat, "I never knew that you had another uncle."

         "Well, no one talks about him. I mean, it's not like he's a mass murderer or anything," Calypso gave a weak smile, hating the words that spewed from her mouth because she knew it was a lie. Sirius wasn't a murderer, but she had to lie. She had to. "But yeah, he was really interesting in school. He loved pulling pranks, especially with his best friend, James. Oh! And the Marauders! You'd like to hear about them, right?"

         "Most definitely! But wait – do you mean James Potter? Is that...was that Sirius' best friend?" Lee asked and Calypso's mind froze with the single thought of oh, shit because she didn't want to name names. She didn't want him to know everything.

         But it was too late and she had to come clean. "Um, yeah. They were great friends," Calypso confirmed and for a moment she felt like a weight had lifted from her chest before a ton more came crashing. He knew a secret, he would think even worse of Sirius and oh, shit.

         Lee frowned. "I can't believe Sirius could do such a thing."

         Calypso sighed, she wasn't making any of this any better. But she could – she could make everything better by explaining her family, at least the bits involving Sirius. He didn't need to know the wolf thing...that was one she would take to her grave. "Okay, look, Lee, I can tell you everything about this. I can tell you every little fact about my Uncle Sirius if you promise never to repeat any of it. Got it?"

         He looked at her skeptically, "What do you mean? Everyone knows the case, what insight do you have?"

         "I have the actual truth. God, everything is so stupid. If there had only been a trial..." Calypso shook her head, "Never mind, we're not here to talk about the shittiest of the Ministry, but Sirius. Well, do you want to know everything?"

         He looked at her, "You're mad. You probably, well, it's probably not true."

         "If that's what you want to believe, just keep listening to what the media and everyone hears says about me and my family, I don't mind. But, if want to know the truth, I'm willing to tell you," Calypso honestly said.

         "Why would you tell me this?"

         And she stopped for a moment. Her mum had said that Blacks kept secrets to themselves for no one else to know. That every secret was taken to their death and no one outside of the family could know, but Calypso was not her mother. She did not like secrets and she didn't like keeping them. They wore her down and she couldn't, just couldn't, hold it all in.

         Unlike her mother, she wasn't strong in that way. She couldn't keep quiet and hold her neck up and look proud through it all, she wanted to tell the truth. She wanted to be free. Secrets didn't trap Remelda, but they trapped Calypso. Remelda was trapped by her family, her parents, she was trapped by 12 Grimmauld Place and Death Eaters, and Calypso was trapped by secrets. She was trapped by something that she could never be free from.

         While her mother left the Black family with a broken crown, Calypso could never leave herself. She was a secret; her counterpart, who was on the full moon, was a secret. A trap. She could never truly be free for a moment in her life, and that was something she had come to terms with. But she could lighten the load. She could give up secrets and stop pretending with at least one other person.

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