SIX ━ ❝infamous day❞

Start from the beginning

"What, really?" Birdie asked, not believing that Calypso fucking Black agreed to a party.

"You don't have to say yes," Angelina stepped in to assure her but she just shook it off.

"Yeah," Calypso shrugged, "It'll be fun. And I need the distraction tonight."

Cho gave a slow blink before being the first to nod and fully accept that Calypso agreed to a party, "Okay. Meet us in front of the Ravenclaw tower at eight tonight. Don't be late."

Merlin, what did she get herself into?

― 🌙 ―

IT WAS SEVEN. She had an hour to get in front of the Ravenclaw tower so that she could be invited inside and go the party. And, with an hour to spare, Calypso finished putting on her lipstick. Nala meowed from her place on the Black girl's bed, causing her to smile and coo at the small creature.

She pet the cat and heard the purrs that escaped it, filling Calypso with such love and adoration for Nala. Really, she couldn't understand why her mum didn't like Nala – she was just too sweet. The peaceful moment was interrupted with a scratch at the door and then a meow.

Calypso frowned, Nala was already in here – right there on her bed where she had just been with her. Still, Calypso went to the door and opened it wide enough for an ugly, ginger cat to trot inside. She turned her back until she heard Regulus' voice, "Hey, Callie."

Her nose wrinkled up in disgust as she looked at her uncle, "Please, for the love of Merlin, don't call me that."

"Awe," he smirked, "What's wrong with Callie? It's so nice and I've always called her that."

"And I've always hated it," she pointed out to her uncle.

"That just makes it more fun to say."

The younger Black rolled her eyes and went back to her bed where Nala was still lying and continued to pet the cat before hearing the gasp from her uncle. "You've replaced me!" he accused.

This caused her to scoff at his ridiculousness, "I did not. Plus, you can't be hurt after not visiting even once during summer."

Regulus gave a defeated look and Calypso continued, this time with a smirk on her own face out of satisfaction, "Plus, I've always wanted a cat of my own. I just now convinced mum to buy me one. Her name is Nala, by the way."

"What an odd name," he commented as he walked over to the bed, peering at the cat.

Calypso snorted, "Says the man named Regulus."

"Good point," her uncle agreed, "So, what are you all dolled up for?"

"Okay, never use that terminology again, please," Calypso grimaced, "And second, I'm meeting up with some friends."

It wasn't lying. Technically. It also wasn't the full truth. She was meeting her friends but if that were the truth and nothing more she wouldn't have bothered with lip gloss or curling her hair so nicely. But she also didn't feel like telling her uncle that she was going to a party. Maybe another time, in a couple years when he probably won't even remember this incident.

"Oh, really?" Regulus inquired and sat down on the bed, startling Nala a bit. At her panicked look, Calypso cooed again. She was just too precious.

"Yep," Calypso nodded to confirm her half-truth.

"That doesn't sound so convincing. But, friends?" he gave a teasing smile.

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