"I don't care what you two do just keep them occupied, I'm almost done downloading the files and I still need to get the virus going." The brunette didn't look up from the computer as she typed away on the keyboard.

The four men stayed in a fierce battle of hand to hand combat until Clint got bored of it and took out a electric arrow and applied it to the albino's head. The red eyed man got knocked out by the electricity and fell to the ground. Steve however was quite impressed by how well the man kept up with him and he could of swore he had more strength then even a super soldier like himself, but all things must come to an end and he threw the shield and sent him to the ground. However he jumped right back up and the shield ricochetted off the wall and towards the woman.

She probably would of got decapitated if she didn't duck. She swore under her breath then looked up and was about to shout something but fell silent. Her eyes widened and she jumped out of her seat and positioned herself between Germany and the two men.

"Are you two idiots?!" She yelled in the process.  

Hawkeye aimed an arrow at the two and Steve retrieved the shield and put himself in a defensive position.

"Alright, both of you stand down." Steve ordered firmly. Germany gritted his teeth and Czech tch'd.

"Listen... we are not the bad guys here." She reasoned. Clint lowered his bow for a second but brought it back up.

"And why should we trust you?"

Germany caught onto the mood and relaxed. He put his hands in front of him and started talking calmly. "Because I assume ve are here for the same cause, just for different reasons.... I assume you also want the data of this base right? I can get C- err." He then realised that he didn't know Czech's human name.

She looked up at him and grimaced. "Hedvika, we've been through this" She tried to act annoyed as to play it off right.

"Hedvika-" Hedvika? He did not expect such a name. "-To get you a copy of zhem files"

Clint raised a brow, as did Steve. "Alright... but try anything and I've got two arrows especially for you."

Czech sighed and got back to the computer. "great, more work for me" she grumbled.

Germany walked over to his knocked out brother who now began to stir back awake. "Did I miss anything?" He grinned while clutching his head in one hand.

"Vell.." Germany helped him up then walked over to the two newcomers.

"I do have a question though." Steve started before Germany could explain. "What Alfred were you talking about?"

Prussia's eyes snapped open and he was no longer dazed, Germany tensed and Czech grumbled about them being morons.


"Wait I saw you" Clint took a closer look at the two. "You were steering the helicopter" He pointed to Germany. "and you helped everyone escape" He pointed to Prussia who laughed nervously.

Germany cleared his throat before continuing. "Indeed ve vhere at the tower to assist with Alfred's escape." He suddenly glared at the two. "zhat is because you have no business in keeping him or any of us"

"Ummm.. Vest I don't think you should be-"

"And why not?" Steve returned the glare and stood in front of him. "Why is it not our business?"

"Done" Czech got up holding two chips in her hand. She handed one to Steve as to separate him from Germany and started leading the two out. "It was nice meeting you but we should really be going"

"Wait" Steve stopped them and all three of them tensed. "Are there any more of you? In the cell rooms perhaps?"

Czech gave him a long stare then put a hand on her earpiece. "Feliks, you have company" Was all she said before all three of them bolted it out of the room. The two avengers followed after them.


After receiving the message from his sister he turned around and scanned the corridor.

"What is it?" Switzerland questioned.

Poland was being unusually silent and turned on his heel before speed walking into the next room.

"Hey answer my-" He was cut off by a dart landing right in front of his face. He was about to turn around to fight back but was grabbed by the wrist and dragged while Poland sprinted across the long room.

"Elizabeta! Roderich!"

"Stop yelling! have you finally lost it?!"

To both of their surprise there was a strained yell in reply. "Feliks? Is that you? over here!"

Even Natasha momentarily paused her pursuit after hearing the call. She ran after the two as they sprinted to the direction of the voice. When the two stopped by one of the doors, the one with the rifle turned around and shot at her. She just about dodged and ran at him to engage into combat.

"Vash, buy me some time I can crack this lock." Poland's voice was now serious and he concentrated on cracking the code.

"Tch, easier said then done" He tried to keep the red head at bay but after two minutes of fighting, the widows agility proved superior and he got knocked down. She stood between the two and pointed her bracelet shooters at each of their heads.

"Don't move" She commanded. Poland tensed and froze in place while Switzerland gritted his teeth.

"Hello? what's happening? Feliks you still there?" The same voice sounded from inside the room.

Feliks turned his head and his grass green orbs stared right into Natasha's eyes. He almost had a pleading look on his face. She wavered for a moment before sighing and putting her weapons down. "Move" She ordered and electrocuted the lock and made the door open.

Switzerland was now on his feet and glared daggers at Natasha, although she was too preoccupied by watching Poland to notice. The blonde was quick to dash into the room and find a brown haired woman strapped to a chair.

"Feliks! it is you!" She smiled at him as he picked the chains that were holding her up. He completely ignored Natasha's presence and called out to Switzerland.

"Vash! come help me with these chains"

Natasha approached them and eyed the chains. "You will need equipment to-" Her sentence was cut short by the sound of the chains quite literally being ripped apart, with some effort of course.

The woman got up from the chair and only now was she able to make out the state of her clothes, all ripped and dirty, even a few spots of dried blood but not a single injury was seen on her. In fact she got up and acted as if nothing ever happened, she walked up to Natasha and smiled.

"Oh did this lovely lady help you find me?"

"Not exactly, she just got here" Switzerland interrupted whatever Natasha was going to say.

"She attacked us and like, made everything so much harder." Poland got into her face and glared at her.

"Is that so" Hungary's smile dropped and she lost interest.

"Well, whatever that was it was a misunderstanding" She explained herself, although she kept her business voice. "Anyway, is there anyone else here that needs rescuing?"

All three glared. Hungary was the one to break the tense atmosphere by sighing. "They took Roderich for an interrogation, follow me, I think I remember where that is."

All four left the room and followed the Hungarian towards the interrogation room.

"So it's a truce for now?" Switzerland gave Natasha a side glance.

She returned the gesture. "I suppose."

Non-existent (hetalia x avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now