Authors note

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Sorry to disappoint those who thought this would be an update. Especially after such a long hiatus. Most Important parts are highlighted for those who don't want to read the whole thing.

But here's the thing about the book that I feel I need to make a little more clearer:

I wrote this before I even knew what good writing looked like. (Which explains why most of it is garbage and a lot of the plot is inconsistent) And yes, I have grown up since then and have a lot of other projects, from other fandoms as well as some of my own original work, that I would love to make public one day. 

As a matter of fact, this whole account was made when I wasn't even capable of writing a half-decent story.

I don't remember when exactly I went on hiatus, but I remember that it was because I was focusing on my GCSE's and later trying to get into college. Now that I will be starting college, I'm hoping that I will have more time and motivation to return to this beloved hobby of mine. But keep in mind that this is indeed just a hobby to me, one that I absolutely love yes, but still not the main focus of my life.

In fact I do worry that between college and my part time job I once again will have to push writing to the side. 

Anyway enough rambling about my life because that's not the point of this authors note.

As I said this book is poorly written because I was young when starting it. So young that Captain America Winter Soldier wasn't even out yet, which is why my whole plot as well as originally planned ending completely fell apart for me. 

Essentially what I'm trying to do now is make all ends meet into a satisfying ending, but also tying it to the movies (Especially Winter Soldier) that came after it, because I'd like to be consistent with the Marvel cannon. So writing the next chapter, and all others after that, isn't as easy as 'please update' (No offence, you do have the right to be impatient).

Plus, it doesn't help that I cringe every time I look back at it. I'm not claiming to be some amazing God-tier writer now (I mean I'm still only 16, almost 17) but I can confidently say that it's gotten better. I was going to delete this story, but after seeing that people actually took a liking to it I just can't bring myself to. 

I won't lie, I don't enjoy writing this book as much as some of my private projects; I've actually spent most of my free time, even during the hiatus, on writing them and completely avoiding this book. I'm not saying that I hate the book. Truthfully if I would have started this project now rather than a few years ago, I'm sure it would've been one of my favourites. I love the concept of the plot but admit it, I executed it poorly.

I'm sure that I am disappointing at least some of you, and I do apologise. But I will continue this project at my own pace and I'm not promising a finish any time soon. I might even steel my nerves enough to just drop it all together. And yes, my private projects do take priority over this book simply because I enjoy them more.

No hard feelings, I do appreciate my readers -as few as they are- but I will not force myself to continue something that has really just become a chore at this point.

Thank you for your time - ckitty123

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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