Chapter 1

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Hi so just a quick authors note the song is called Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab and I highly recommend you watch the show Shadowhunters on Freeform. It's such a good show!!!!!


Hi my name is Kayla Magenelo, I am 18 and I am the princess of the Angel Realm. My parents are Cassiel the queen of the Angel and the Arch-Angel Gabriel who is the king of the Angels. I know what you're thinking angels aren't real they are just fantasies, well I'm here to tell you their real and this is no dream this is reality. Angels, Demons, The Fair Folk, Warlocks, Hellhounds, Succubus Demons, Werecats, Werewolves, and any other mythical creature or demon you can think of is real. The reason humans don't know about us is because we live in two different realms, there is the Angel Realm and there is the Demon Realm each realm is separated by what we call "the crossroads" which is a realm in between the two which is where Angels and Demons cross into each others realms or territories. And no just because I'm a princess and an Angel doesn't make me different from anyone else. I am just a regular girl. And what's a regular girl without a life full of drama, love, heartbreak, secrets, lies, betrayal, and worst of all going the High School. But I am not only a princess but I am also known as a Valcurie which is and Angel Warrior, I am the top best warrior of my father's army I am skilled in every weapon. I am very skilled in the Arts so naturally I love to draw, paint, sing, dance, and on top of that I'm a DJ my stage name is DJ Wings and yes I know what you're thinking a good girl who is an actual Angel likes to party aren't Angel supposed to not like to party. Well you're dead wrong we are just like every other teenager who curses, parties, and lets loose just because were Angels and I'm a good girl doesn't mean we can't be bad when we want to be. Now that I told you a little about myself I think its time I tell where my life went to Hell literally!


Kayla's POV

"WHAT!?" I shouted from the top of my lungs as I whipped around to scream at my mother who just released a major bomb onto my life! But instead of coming face to face with my mother I get a face full of my hair. After spitting out a mouth-full of my waist long, curly brown hair I finally look into the blazing golden eyes of my mother the one and only Queen Angel. She had long curly blonde that went down to just below her breasts, her golden curls framing her sharp cheekbones, her white feathery wings draped elegantly as they dragged behind her.

"Do not raise your voice at me young lady remember this is for the good of the kingdom," The Queen gracefully strode over and placed her dainty, delicate hands on my shoulder as she spoke softly. "the future of this realm is important so it is of course important that you have a strong suitable husband and future king such as Malakai."

I shrugged her hands off my shoulders as I was outraged at how calm my so called "loving mother" about me being married. "But mother I am only 18! By The Angels! I haven't even found my soulmate yet and you are already selling me off to the highest bidder like I'm some precious diamond!" I laced as much venom as I could into that one sentence which led to my mothers eyes to set ablaze reminding me of the Heavenly Fire .

My mom turned on her heal dramatically as she stalked over to my vanity and picked up my tiara and spoke with as much authority as she had, " It has been three months since you have turned 18 and was able to find your soulmate which means he most likely doesn't exist!" She set the silver tiara down as she walked back over to me her wings were spread out and tense, "Now you will marry Johnathan weather you like it or not!"

I gapped at my mother who hardly ever raises her voice and look at her like she has lost her mind. " But mom he is twice my age, he is 35 years old I can't marry him plus I refuse to marry anyone who is not my soulmate! Mom you know I have waited to find my mate!" Tears began to well up in my eyes from my pure anger and disappointment. I walked over to my mother as I to spread my wings and stand toe to toe with her. "Besides mum it was you who told me that soulmates were a very special thing and said that the Ancient Angels of the Past chose who are soulmates are and make sure everyone has one so who is to say that I don't have one!" I spat that sentence out as my eyes blazed with fury as Heavenly Fire swarmed around me, engulfing me in a its mystical flames as it lifted me off the ground.

My mother shouted at me to calm down but I wouldn't have it so I blasted through the glass wall and flew out of my room still engulfed in the fire as I went to cool down and return the fire to where it came from. I flew high above the Forest of Serenity which calmed me down as I arrived at the Fire Springs which is where all Heavenly Fire came from it was a sacred place. The fire spouts out from the white marbled three tiered fountain and flows through out the land the fires is the life blood of the realm. As I dive down towards the fountain I quickly pull up right as my toe's about to touch the fountain I spread my wings so that I hover just above the fountain allowing the tips of my toes to touch the fountain. I focus all of my power into the one simple incantation "Riporto questo fuoco alle sue sacre sorgenti nei cieli" immediately the Heavenly Fire retreats back into the springs from which it came from. Which resulted me into finally cooling off and becoming calm.

I spent the rest of the day at the springs to think of a way out of this arranged marriage as well as finally discovering and mastering all of my powers one of which includes having the power to transform my self into our greatest enemies, a Demon with giant black feathered wings much like my angel wings only instead of them being heavenly white they are demonic black, but that's the only thing that really changes for the transformation. I can also shoot balls of Heavenly Fire out of my hands as well as fly a super sonic speed, and all of my combat skills have been strengthened.

By the time it was dusk I have thought of every possible way out of the arranged marriage but all of them led to me being caught and wedded in the end It came down to one simple solution

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By the time it was dusk I have thought of every possible way out of the arranged marriage but all of them led to me being caught and wedded in the end It came down to one simple solution. In order to get out of the marriage I would have to go to the one place that my parents would never look for me at, I would have to go to..................... The Demon Realm!

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