Chapter Six - Sully

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"She's obviously in a lot of pain," Mother says as I rest my forehead against the heavy wooden door.

"They all are," I mutter, squeezing the hairpin in my hand.

"I thought I taught you better manners, Sully," she chides. "You were intentionally cruel to that poor girl."

"I just want to be left alone." I lift from the door and walk to the drawers, dropping the pin into one of them.

The rain picks up in intensity and the sound of dripping speeds up. Grabbing a bucket from the shelf by my bed, I place it under the growing puddle in the corner. I linger next to the window, straining my eyes to make out shapes in the darkness outside. Faint shadows sway back and forth, trees bending to the master of the wind. But the darkness outside is complete, the thick clouds blocking out even tiny hints of the moon or stars.

The candle lit on my bedside table flickers as a draft rushes through the room.

The church is falling apart around me. Within a year it will probably start caving in on itself.

But there will be no one left to be inconvenienced by it.

I pace back and forth, one hand rubbing over the opposite knuckles. I still now and then, my ears straining, listening for the fawn.


But there's only silence.

Though I doubt I'd hear anything from her. She's light as a bird, she practically floats over the floor.

I watched her as she ate, or rather played with her food. She took a total of four bites of her soup, and one small nibble of her bread.

There's a reason she's so tiny.

I don't remember settling on the bed, but suddenly I realize that I'm staring up at the ceiling. Sprawled on my back, my arms above my head, a mane of hair threatening to drown me.

Suddenly I'm so aware of how long it's gotten. Halfway down my back, my beard a tangled web that touches my chest.

I don't know that I've cut my hair or had a proper shave since I left Charleston nearly nine years ago.

I close my eyes, letting the past drag me under, taking me to a warm bed, a mound of blankets, and the summer breeze blowing through the window. Mile-long legs tangle with my own, blonde hair fanning out across my chest, smiling pink lips teasing every ounce of strength I possessed.

In memories of paradise and normalcy, I drift into the darkness of sleep.

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