Chapter ONE

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I adjusted my glasses, sitting on the plush chair nailed securely to the floor. The walls were padded, the quiet comforting. Well enough I knew this room, as I saw it everyday as my nine-to-five.

The sound of locks being undone alerted me to the fact that my client was coming. A moment later, Melvin Ishtar was ushered inside. He didn't look like my normal patients, I noted.

He carried himself proudly, head straight up, posture slightly slouching carelessly when he sat. Violet eyes burned out from dark skin, a pile of (over) spiked hair above, spilling at a few points into his eyes. Interesting. Also, he lacked a stare of vacancy, those eyes instead clouded with something blindly hating. It unsettled one easily; he was supposed to be insane, after all.

Locks clicked, I felt a nervous gaze from behind. They had advised a glass section between us during our sessions, but I denied it, per usual.

"So," I said, squinting at my clipboard, "Melvin Ishtar—that's your name?"

"Correct, good job." His voice was deep, rumbling into my bones. Something in my notes had said he had a peculiar voice, but this didn't seem odd to me. I crossed the text out with my pen.

"Oh, um, good! I'm Dr Ryou Bakura, your new therapist, since your previous one. . .committed suicide, so um—!"

Melvin smiled. "I know. He was fun to play with."

An unease placed itself in my stomach. He couldn't possibly be as insane as these pages said, or his medications were working very well. "Right," I said, "okay. Melvin, you've been diagnosed with split-personality disorder and you are currently taking pills for this ailment, yes?"

"Sure," he said. Suddenly his voice had taken on a new quality, sounding like two voices overlapping into the same words. The noise drove panic ricocheting through my skull. The peculiar voice note, I thought.

"O-Okaaaay. Nice to meet you, Melvin. Our sessions will be on Mondays and Thursdays, three to four," I said, sighing slowly. "You ready to start our first session?"

"I'm always ready to play with my prey, Doctor," he said, a shape on his forehead forming. I stared, as the shape fully formed, bright yellow light issuing from it—the eye of Horus. Never had I seen something even close to this, part of the reason I'd regarded the notes on Melvin as utter crap. But here was proof, notes of two dead men who'd come before me as witness to a miracle of hideous nature. "But the question is," Melvin went on, "are you ready?"

So, the first chapter! Please share, vote, comment etc to notify your friends and followers and such of this story! Only my readers make it popular. ;)


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