Chapter Four

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The lunch bell rung. "Fucking finally." I walked, more like ran out of my chemistry class and went to my locker opening it and putting my binder inside. I grabbed my jacket and closed it back. I took out my phone and searched 'food near me', I have thirty minutes to spare until my next class. I found out that Starbucks was the closet and I headed out to the parking lot. I entered the car and drove.

Starbucks was like a block away from school, maybe next time I'll walk there. I walked inside and got in line. I looked around and saw that it was packed and their were only a few tables left.

"Next customer" the barista said. As I started to walk I see a guy pass by with the best looking drink. It looked fucking amazing. I walked up to the barista as she kindly smiled at me. I smiled back.

She looked around my age with raven black hair and a nose ring. I took a glimpse of her name tag that showed letters that spelled out Alex.

"What would you like?" she asked me. "A muffin and the drink the guy in front of me had." I said pointing to the guy at a table sipping the delicious looking drink. "Of course, everyone's been wanting the Vanilla Caramel Pumpkin Spice Frappe." "I can see why, it looks like a fucking unicorn shitted into a cup." She looked at me in amusement. "Okay bad analogy, but it looks good." I said as she barked out a laugh.

"Okay a muffin and one frappe, that will be $10.50." she says. I nodded taking out my wallet. I handed her a 20 dollar bill and walked to a table after getting my change. The table I sat at was right next a window where I can see the cars drive and people walking by. I grabbed my airpods out of my pocket and put one in my ear turning my alternative playlist on and waited for my frappe. I started to observe the people inside of Starbucks and my eyes landed on the man in front of me who looked to be in his mid thirties.

He caught me looking and winked, thinking that I was sending a signal. That caught me off guard but I recovered quickly and gave him a disgusted look.

"Come sit with me" he said to me in a deep voice.

"Why don't you go fuck yourself"." I said before giving him my middle finger. Before he could say anything I put my other earphone in.

I saw the bottom of the door swing open while on my phone and looked up to see who walked in. I saw a girl with a shit ton of makeup that made her look really mature but I knew she was around my age. She looked around the cafe for a minute then her eyes landed on the three boys siting beside me, they were the same guys I saw earlier today. She beamed, her eyes shifted over to mine and her whole expression changed. She walked over to me, as soon as she reached my table my frappe and muffin came.

"Here you go" Alex said as she smiled at me. "Thanks" I said ready to take a sip of the mouth watering frappe in front of me. She tore her eyes off of me to look at the girl who was currently glaring at me.

"Hello Rachel." Alex said her smile dropping to a frown. "Hi Alec." Rachel said not taking her eyes off me. "Its Alex." The barista said with an annoyed expression. "Isn't that what I said?" Rachel said sounding like she couldn't care less. "Whatever." Alex said walking back to counter taking orders again, but there was a frown where her smile used to be.

"Can you move somewhere else? You're in my seat." Rachel said in a snobby tone.

Here we go again. "As you can see I'm comfortable here, and theres more fucking seats available so leave me the hell alone." I say getting annoyed.

"That wasn't a question." She told me getting into my face. "I suggest you get the fuck out of my face before something bad happens to yours, bitch" I said standing up. Her face looked scared but she covers it up. She scoffs and walks away.

I felt the guys eyes on me but I shrugged it off. She ruined my mode I don't even want my damn frappe anymore. I got up from my seat annoyed and threw my wasted frappe in the trash. I walk out the cafe door. "I need to smoke" I said aloud. I leaned up against the wall aside from the door and took out my phone. I turned it around to the back and slid the phone case down to show a secret compartment. I grabbed a blunt from the three that was in there. I slid it up closing it and put the phone back in my pocket. I reached in my other pocket for my lighter and sparked the bottom of the blunt putting the top in between my lips, inhaling then taking it away from my mouth to blow out the smoke.

Usually I would smoke in a secluded place because it was illegal to have marijuana out in the open but here, it's perfectly legal. When I went in to inhaled again I heard the door to the cafe open. It was the boys who were sitting beside me. As they walked out I saw Rachel running after them in her eight inch heels thinking how hilarious it would be if she face planted into the ground. I chuckled to myself.

"Baby, wait we can talk about this." Rachel said trying to keep up with the three now annoyed boys.

"One I'm not your baby. Two we're not talking about shit. And three, we fucked once, you were a one night stand! So stop spreading rumors that we're together!" One of the guys said, his tone clear.

"Harsh much" I mumbled under my breath taking another puff from my blunt.

Rachel tried to say something else but his glare shut her up. She ended up walking away after a stare off that she knew she couldn't win. He rolled his eyes at her retreating figure and was about to walk away until something caught his eye.


"Hey, you!" he said pointing directly at me.


He started to walk his way over to me with his two friends behind him. "Did you hear that?" he said as he reached me.

"Yeah, and?" I said.

"Well unhear it, I don't need another rumor started about me."

"Excuse me?"

~I am so fucking tired. Don't forget to like and comment on the book.


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