Part 5: The Misery

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(A/N: Start from this chapter onward, no proofreader meaning major grammatical error section start now :[ )

"Hey, where is my daughter, Camelia?," asked mom as soon as I walk along the hallway, looking furious at me. I looked up. Mom, I am your daughter too.

"She is hanging out at Jake's house," I answered. My mom slapped me hard causing my glasses to fall on the ground. I looking at her curious, why did she slap me all of sudden?

"You made me wait 5 seconds for your answer," said my mom, before she kicked my glasses and it hits the wall.

I picked up my glasses, I saw a crack on the right lens but its still alright to wear them. I bought this glasses with worship before. I nearly fainted before, just to save up money to buy this second-hand glasses.

I walked to my room, laid down on my bed careful not to make creaky sound. I always hear that nearly-broken-bed sound if I laid down too fast.

I shut my eyes, is that alright if I just gone? Go away from this unfair world? No, I am not giving up! I will work hard to make my parents acknowledge me.

One day, I am sure. There is a day for me!


I hid my stomach as it started to grumble again. No, not during the class! I noticed Camelia looking at me, she is sitting beside me during Math class today.

"Are you hungry?," asked Camelia and I just blushed before nod slowly. "But mom said, you already eaten when I tried to wake up last night,"

I sighed, lies again, "Sorry, it seems nowadays, I easily got hungry,"

Camelia chuckled, "No need to be sorry, but are you ok?,"

"Yeah," so far. "How's you and Jake?," I said, my atttempt to change subject.

"Good, too good," answered Camelia before smiling wider. Is it just me, or Camelia isn't really smiling?

"Miss's Evergreen," warned the Math teacher, causing us to giggle behind our book.

After class, we walked together to our locker. Luckily, our lockers are just next to each other. I am still looking around searching for Jake's presence. His previous class is Accounting as I recalled.

"Hello beautiful girl," greet Edward and I hid Camelia behind my back. "Pfft, not you. Hey, what's with the broken glasses?,"

Camelia looked at me, she seems to just realise it. Sighed.

"None of your business, Edward," I said, trying not to show him I am annoyed. Be calm, and he will stop talking.

"Broken glasses is not good for your eyes though, but who cares?," he said and still looking at Camelia. "Where is your boyfriend?,"

"None of your business!,"

I chuckled a bit. Camelia is copying me. She dragged me before this bastard ask anymore stupid and annoying questions.

I saw Jake, waiting at the door. Camelia runs to him and hug him tight. I couldn't help to not get jealous. Stupid feeling of mine! Go away!

"We are meant to be together," whispered Camelia but I could hear them. Every single word.

"I'll leave both of you," I said before dismiss from them. I ignore my throbing aching little heart.

I wanted to go the library but paused as I saw Edward is following me, making his way to the library. How I hate this guy a lot.

Shock is understatement when I felt someone grabbed my waist, ugh. Easy where you touching!

"Do you like the part that I touch you?," asked Edward looking straight to me. I shoved him, breaking away from him.

"No, you stupid," I said. Proud with my cursing word. Yea, he more than deserved to be called stupid.

Edward laughed hard, "Why are you avoiding me, just now?,"

Say what?

"Don't tell me you're starting to fall in love with me. Please, it's disturbing,"

I glared, "You wish,"

"Na, I wish Camelia's the one who fall in love with me,"

I frowned, it's always been her. To my parents, to Jake, to everyone.

"But you can make me if you dare," he challenged me. I looked to his eyes, what make myself fall to this jerk? Nope, I am not crazy enough to do that.

I began to walk away, if I stay another seconds. I may lose my sense. I felt my hand was grabbed.

"I am serious,"

"Are you crazy?,"

"Let's play. Love's a game right?,"

I shoved him, "Yep, you are crazy. Why do I have to do that? Why do we have to do that? Just make Lia falls instead, why me? Do you enjoy doing this to me? Do you enjoy torturing me? But guess what, I hate you too,"

I panted before glaring at him, I am so sick to this jerk. So sick.

Edward clapped, seriously, he is crazy.

"Wow, amusing,"

"Shut up, don't talk with me again,"

"I bet Jake himself never sees you this way," he smiled. "But I am serious, Lia looked at me the same way she looked at Jake, she in denial but you.. You are confusing, sometimes you like this, sometimes you like that,"

"What do you mean?,"


"Cat," shouted Lia. I turned, forcing smile to form on my face. "Oh, my. Your face looked paler than ever, what happened?,"

"Are you ok?," asked Jake. I nodded.

"I am alright, I just need some rest I guess,"

Shoot, I missed my dinner last night, my breakfast and my lunch. But no, I don't want them to know.

"I am fine,"

"Dude, Roney is having party in his house tonight!," shouted David around the hallway. Camelia smiled and jumping all around. See, their fake attention shown.

"Roney?," asked Jake.

"Yea, the footballer, I guess," said Camelia.

"Cat, are you coming?," asked Jake, looking concern but I know he's not.


"Cat, not again," said Camelia in coax.


Camelia try to accept my answer but it doesn't I didn't notice her sad face.

Suddenly I remember what Edward said to me. I frowned before leaving both of them discussing about what to wear later. I becoming more sick, of this world, of this fake concern. From them.

(A/N: So, what do you think Edward have said to Cateline?)

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