Final part: The Unspoken Happiness

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10 years later,

“Mom! Uncle Ed is pinching my cheeks again,”

“I can’t help, you cheeks are too chubby,”

“Mom! Uncle Ed said I am chubby,”

“Forest, you are chubby now stop complaining and where are mom’s cookies?,”

“Ahh, your son ate them all,” Edward lied, I made a face to my son, Forest.

“No, mom. He’s lying! Uncle, a liar is sinful,” Forest said pouting with his cute face. Ah. Really is my son. Edward laughing hard adding more fuel to Forest’s anger.

“What’s going on here?,” Jake appeared with his PJs, hmm, such a lazy husband of mine. Husband, ahhh, I still like that sound. He planted his lips on my cheek.

“Look, Forest. Your dad is smelly,” Edward joked, munching my newly baked muffin.

“My dad is cool!,”

“Aww, thanks son, want a muffin?,” Jake offered to our son. Earning a raise of an eyebrow from my prince of my heart.

“Is there a raisin in it?,”

Jake took a munch of the muffin, “No son,”

Satisfied, Forest took a bite. Seconds later, his face losing his colour, “Papa is lying too!,”

All of us laughing hard on his reaction.

10 years ago, suprisingly I was accepted by both Jake’s parents. Jake being an only son in his family is an advantage to me. Turn out, his mother loves me equally with her son. Lavender, Jake’s mother, actually yearning for a daughter before.

They even taking my side even after knowing the truth. Saying that its not my fault. Not even a bit.

I finally, got a chance to feel a long-lost feeling of being loved and loving. Lavender and Bryan are really treating me as their own daugther. Jake is always right there with me, during sadness, happiness. We both stay together.

I never thought we are that strong bonded till now.

A year after I left my parent’s house, mom sent me a letter. Short but it did make me cry.

“Choosing my husband after my daughter is hard, I know I’ve hurt you deeply not just physically but emotionally. I heard you are enjoying your life with Jake from your conversation with Lia on the phone. I am glad to hear that. I lied before. I always think of you as my daugther although you are not my husband’s daugther.

I love you, Miss Evergreen.

Sincerely apologise,


It took me an hour to actually calm down after broke down reading the letter next to my boyfriend. Jake understood and never try to stop me crying. He said, he’s only going to let me cry this time. But not after this.

Such a sweet guy of mine.

Dad, as far as I remember still..well, loathe and hate me as ever. I think he hates me more than before. I know mom love him to much, she chose him than me and that’s fine now. I am glad they still have each other.

I caught Jake making a conversation with mom before, behind my back. Twice every week. And it go on for about 2 years, untill I believe dad caught it.

I understand Jake is trying to not hurt me, that is why neither he or I never bring up this subject. I appreciate his intention.

Nevertheless, 2 years later, a month after we graduated from high school, we both accepted to the same University. Receiving a certificate of Degree on Economical Management for me and Degree of Lawsuit for Jake. We found quiet stable jobs for us.

My crush likes my twin sisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora