Part 1: The Usual

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"Wake up, Cat," someone shouted behind my door. Knocking it endlessly. I hate it! I hate it!

"Wake up, Cat,"

I growled loud enough to make someone stop knocked. I opened the door and here she is. Standing innocently with a bright smile on her face. I hate you for waking me up!

"Cateline, you have to shower now or we will be late for school," said my twin sister, Camelia. Yes, I have twin. A younger twin.

"Alright, give me 10 minutes," I said before entering back my room. Only ten minutes, where 8 minutes I snoozed for a while and the other 2 minutes to prepare myself.

"Cat, we are late!," shouted Camelia. Standing right infront of me. I grab my watch and was shocked that I 'snoozed' for 30 minutes. Good, now we are late. I grab my sweater and just run after grabbing my sister's hand.

"You're wearing that to school?," asked Camelia. I nodded. No talking, save my breathe. Camelia whinned in disgust. Well, I don't care!


We were panting as we reached school. My sister was complaining how messed up her hair is while I just shrugged out of concern.

"One more time your late, you'll be dead," glared Camelia. She then entered the class like nothing happened.

My sister is the best actress ever. But it doesn't mean it is a bad thing. She always keep things hidden in order for her to look cool. She likes attention.

And I am the exact opposite of her, if someone annoyed me. I would tell them straight to their face that I don't like it. But my sister is different, she would just keep her fake smile. And pretend to like them.

That's the reason why I called her, the best actress. Ha, not because she is a movie star or whatever.

"Lia," someone called her. I know that voice,

"Hey, Jake," greet my sister. Yes, Jake Sexy Anderson. Of course, the middle name is not true. But for me, yeah. He is my crush but,

"Late again?," asked Jake with the smile on his face. Look sincere, Ok, stop it.

In order to distract myself, I sit myself at my usual place which is at the very back of the class and took out my note book to pretend I read something important. I enjoy being alone all by myself.

Jake and Camelia then laughed hard. I don't like it, please don't be so close. Then, David come along join the conversation. Then, Lisa, Mary and who is that girl? Well, I don't care.

Believe it or not, my twin sister is more popular than me. Yes, eventhough we are twins. Not exactly identical to each other. My hair is blonde while hers is dark brown. I wear spectacles but she's doesn't. She has a ton of friends whereas I don't.

And, my parents love her. Because, she's more beautiful.

Camelia looked at me and smiled. I waved and then pretend to read again as Jake and his friends also looked at me.

I believe Camelia knows I like her friend, Jake but she acts as if nothing happened. I sighed. Really is my sister.

"Cat, why don't you hang out with us this Sunday at Jake's house?," asked Camelia, well shouting actually.

I could see her friend force back to smile as if they don't mind I join them but..

"Sorry, Lia. I already have plan," I lied, relieved shown on their face. Except for Camelia.

"You always reject the offer, why?," asked Camelia. I looked to her eyes, no. I can't tell. I don't want her to be fall the same level as me.


"Plan. I have plan,"

"No, you have to come with us, no more rejection. Right guys?," Camelia turned her head to look at her friends.

"Er, yeah. Sure," they said. With doubt.

"No thanks,"

Camelia frowned, "Fine!," She yelled and all the eyes on me. I think they will see me as the bad sister. Well, screw them. I looked up as I saw someone blocked my light. I gasped as Jake is the one who standing infront of me now.

"Could you please just hang out with us?,"

My heart, beating fast. I'm lost in his green amber eyes. Mesmerised. I face away from him. Oh, no. He might knows my face is so damn red.


"Look, Lia really want you to be there, with us," said Jake. So, the reason why he asked me is because he only concerned about Camelia. I sighed, who am I to dream he wanted me to be there. "She'll be happy if you are there,"

"I'll try," finally I said. Why everyone only concern about my sister's feeling? How about me?

"Good, we'll catch on later," Jake said before dismiss and brought smile to Camelia. Then, Camelia waved to me happily. I saw Jake smiled to her perhaps, he was proud that he made my sister smile.

I sighed.

"Now, we start the class," said Mr.Kenny as he entered the class. Shouting as if we are his soldiers. That funny looking teacher.

This weekend is not gonna be wonderful.


"Lunch!," shouted my sister and clinging her arm to me. Oh, please help me handle this childish type of sister. "Sister, you have to buy me some food,"

"Sister, go by yourself," I said, ignoring all her friends that wait for her.

"Lia, come. I'm straving," said Jake. Letting out his hand, my sister pouted before holding back his hand. I can only, smile. From here.

"Jacky," shouted Camelia. They looked happy together. How could you Lia. You know I like Jake. I shook my head. I have to be happy for her.

Again, today I spend my lunch period in the library. I palm my head, my life is so pathetic.

I looked out the window, I could see my sister laughing so hard at the cafeteria with Jake and her other friends. Everyone circling her. Pain snapped as I saw the way Jake looked at her.

I am a liar if I say I am not jealous of her. Her life is nearly perfect, she is beautiful, perfect love life, parents love her, have friends and..

I could feel warm water rolling from my eyes. I touched my cheek, Huh. Why am I so emotional today?


"Welcome back, Lia," greet my mother as we entered the house. She treats me as an invisble daughter. "Come, dinner will be ready in 15 minutes,"

I looked to my mother, am I invited tonight?

"Hey kid, I already slipped money in your room, go buy something to eat," said my mother without looking at me. I have name mom, it's Cataline.

"Again?," asked Camelia. "Why Cat always have to go buy for her own food?,"

"Because she wanted to, right Kid?," lied my mother. I nodded. That is the least I could do. To make my parents glad.

My father claimed he lose his appetite if he saw me on the dining table. He used to flip the table when he wanted me to go away from the table. But, that time I was still 7 years old. I didn't know a thing.

No one stood up for me. No one helped me when my own father slapped me and I cried hard.

I carefully walked to my room, I opened the door. Shocked as the money is spread all over in my room. It looked like mother just shoved it in my room. Not 'slipped' it as she said.


They hate me just because I am uglier than my twin sister? Are my parents really that judgemental?

I hugged my knees. Because, I have nothing else to hug anymore.

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