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I looked behind and I got hit by a pan. It hurt my head so hard it bleeds and I fell to the grass.

"SEAN?!" I screamed. He jumped and  hold my hands to the side. He covered my mouth and whispers "Dont move a single muscle" and I was mumbling and sweating.

I forced myself to push as if I were pregnant and I bit Sean's hand that was wounded. "YEEEEOOOWWW" and he fell to the grass. I stepped on his stomach real hard til he screamed even louder. Marco and my brothers went outside to see whats going on.

"WOAH U SEAL AGAIN?" Marco said, rolling his sleeves up and coming to us. "Marco, No" I stopped him. I took out an exacto knife and point it at Sean's face.

"If you ever disturbed us, again.. I will make you choke this." I said, angrily. "You wont get away with this" Sean said.

I let Sean go and he ran deep into the woods.

"Woah, what was that" Dev said, scratching his head. "As long as Ava is safe. Thank goodness gracious youre more braver now, Av" Collins said, with a huge grin. I winked.

~After cleaning up the house~

I still felt pretty worried about Sean. Im scared that he is going to destroy my whole life.

I sat on the couch, eating chips and watching Annabelle Creation on the Tv. Devan sat beside me and stole my chips. "HEY, give it back!" I tried grabbing it. Dev pushed my head "Nuuu haha" he laughed. I laughed too. I fell to the ground and laughed. Collins came to me and Devan, looking devastated.

C: Ava .. *tear*
Me: C'mon, is it something bad again?
C: Im afraid so, sis. Me and Devan are gonna go to England, because we have a serious meeting with Carlo Hopes. And it will take about 3 months because there is something wrong with our colony.

My eyeballs were about to pop out.

"THEN WHO AM I GONNA STAY WITH?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Me" Marco said, running his fingers thru his hair. I was like okayy but on the inside I was crying.

"When are you leaving?" I asked, looking down.

"Tomorrow early in the morning" Collins said and Dev hugged me.

"I'll take care of her, dont worry" Marco smiled.


I woke up, and I saw Marco hugging me. I felt relieved..

But my brothers are not here.. I remembered. Theyre away for 3 months.

I yawned loudly, so loud that I fell to the floor making Marco jumped.

I giggled and said "Im fine"

Marco: I dont feel like going to school. You?
Me: Same though...

*ring ring* went my cellphone.

It was Lukas. I missed him!!

I was about to grab it when Marco snatch it from my studying table and answered

M: Hewo?
L: Yoww Av- Why did ur voice sounds deep?
L: Ooooooh yea Marco lel
M: Whats wrong?
L: Me and Zach are not going to school yeahh...
M: same with me and Ava
L: And I dont care if I get suspended from school *snickers*

I crossed my arms.

Marco ended the call and said "Ava ava ava"

I looked away.
Marco came to me and tickled my sides. I was like "Okay okay! What is it?" I finally looked at him.

"Lucas and Zach are not going to school for some stupid reason meh" Marco grinned evilly. I just snickered.

"Thats cool!" I said, acting all goofy.

Collins And Devan's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now