CHAPTER 6: I Don't Need A Babysitter!

Start from the beginning

       While standing in line, I felt a vibrating sensation go off in chest. It was my phone. I take it out and see James' name on my phone. How did he get my number? I thought. 

      "Hello?" I answer, yelling over the music into the phone.

      "Where the hell are you? Who's with you?" I heard James ask. 

      "Oh, I went out with Gavin. We're at some club. Don't worry, I have my key." I assure him. 

      "Angie, I need for you to focus, please. Where the hell are you?" He now sounds a little bit irritated with a hint of worry. "And wait, did you say you were with Gavin? Who the hell is that?" He demanded. Almost sounding jealous. 

       "I told you I don't know what this place is called." I tell him.

       "Oh my god, Angie. Just ask someone there." He demands. 

       "Fine. Mr. Grumpy pants." I started heading towards the bar and got the attention of the bartender that helped Gavin and I when we first arrived. "Hey!" I said trying to get his attention. 

      "Hey there sexy." The bartender smiled. "What can I get for ya?" 

      "What's the name of this place?" I asked him. 

       "The Back Door!" He yells, leaning into me. 

      "The Back Door!" I tell James. 

      "Stay there. I'm coming to get you." He tells me. 

      "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'll be fine. Bye." I tell him then hang up so that he didn't have time to say another word. 

       I then try to get the bartender's attention again and he's busy helping other customers. I know that I should stop. Well, I should've actually stopped three shots and two sex on the beaches later. But, it didn't work out that way. 

       I then hear husky voice next to me ask me if I want to dance. I turn to look at him. He looks pretty cute. Not as hot as James, of course. But then again, I'm not thinking about him. So I accept and take his hand as we go out onto the dance floor and start dancing. 

       We start swaying our hips against each other's with his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. 

        We're having so much fun that I don't realize right away that the guy's arms are no longer wrapped around my waist. 

        But all of a sudden, I feel another pair of arms wrap around my waist and turn me around. 

        I then see that it's James. He has an irritated look and has his jaw clenched. I have seen that look before. I immediately went from having a good time, to worried about what's going to happen next. 

       He shakes his head and then lifts me up and throws me over his shoulder. I start hitting his back with my hands though it just makes him laugh more and ignores me telling him to put me down. 


       We get outside and into a cab. It doesn't take long til we get home. Which he helps me out of the cab, grabbing my arm and pulling me up the stairs and inside. 

       After walking inside and him closing the door. I turn to look at him with my arms crossed against my chest. 

      "What the hell were you thinking? You know better than to go out and not tell me. Or to even go out without having someone with you." He yells at me as though he's my father. 

       "I'm sorry, but I don't need a babysitter, alright? Besides, I didn't want to bother you." I tell him. 

       "You could have told me where you were going." He says. 

       "You need to seriously calm down." I tell him while walking into the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge. 

       I notice that when I turn around, I'm stopped by hitting his hard chest with his eyes dark with anger. 

       "You need to start taking this shit seriously. This isn't some kind of a game." He tells me.

       "You don't think I don't know that? Believe me, I know that this shit is real. That I'm being targeted over something that I had nothing to do with." I try not to cry and hold back my tears but it's too hard not to. I quickly take in a breath and try to not let the tears fall from my eyes. "I'm scared." I blurt out. "I'm so fucking scared. Sometimes I wish that I was never born or that I could just kill myself and do everybody a favor. So that I didn't have to become someone's burden or inconvenience. FUCK!! And now I'm fucking crying." I then push him out of the way without looking at him and run into my room and slam it shut. 

        I lay down on the bed and continue crying and sobbing into my pillow. I close my eyes tightly, hoping that if when I open them up again, that this all turned out to be a nightmare. That my brother is alive. 

        "Please god. Please just kill me. Let me never wake up again so that I can be with my brother. Please." I then cry harder into my pillow so that James doesn't hear me. 






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