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Love is an unexpected thing.

Someone somewhere at some time can possibly love you and you don't even know.

Amazing, right?

It depends, though.

To some people, it could hurt.

To some people, love is beautiful.

To this situation, love isn't much of a beautiful story that we got.

Would you imagine your lover randomly forgot about you after being apart for a year?

Crazy, am I right?

What a weird situation we're in.

Hello! Erissa again!

Today we started working on finding out what happened and who fired the dark magic ball and what was the dark magic that was used!

It was such a rollercoaster, haha.

Anyway, back to the topic! ;>

Bisha— I mean, Blythe, started helping Joshua and Sin to find places where possible demon lords could be.

Chelsea started to help Ryusei try to find what sort of dark magic they would use.

Guren and Mimmy went back to the Yuuki household to heal some of the people that got sick.

So, I was just stuck there watching people.

"Erissa, shouldn't you help Satori with the healing?" Blythe asked, looking at me as I kicked some dirt.

"I don't have healing magic though," I laughed nervously.

"Can't you do a reverse spell?" Joshua asked.

"A reverse spell? I could try."

Blythe nodded and I started walking to the Yasaki household.

As I entered, there were unexpected a lot of people with either white hair or raven colored hair.

It was like a checkerboard, kind of.

Satori looked at the door, only to be greeted by me.

"Oh, hello Erissa. Do you need anything?" Satori asked, putting the cloth he was holding on the ground.

"Two things, actually! One, Blythe told me to help you. Two, may I call you Satou?" I answered, winking at the end of the second question.

"Well, you can help this person right here. Her name is Shina Yasaki, and she's my cousin," Satori replied.

"You just avoided my second question!"

"Oh? I did? Oh well!" Satori shrugged, moving away from his introduced cousin so that I could heal her.

"Hello! I'm Shina Yasaki!" She introduced.

She looked about nine or ten years old, and she almost looked identical to Satori!

The blue eyes were there, but the hair was a bit darker.

"Hi! I'm Erissa Toudou!" I smiled.

Her expression changed a bit and she looked the other direction.

"Satoriri! Satoriri!" She screamed, which caught Satori's attention.

"What do you need, Shina?" He asked, not making eye contact with her.

"Isn't this girl your girlfriend?"

"Eh? I'm his girlfriend?" I asked, looking at Shina and Satori in confusion.

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