I slowly made my way towards it and touched the hood as though it were the most delicate piece of glass

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I slowly made my way towards it and touched the hood as though it were the most delicate piece of glass.

I turned to my foster parents who were grinning and practically tackled them in a hug screaming, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!"

They chuckled and pulled back looking at me with beam like smiles set on their faces. "Oh sweetie it was no problem we just wanted to get you a present to welcome you into the family", my mom said sincerely.

"Yeah, and we thought it would be good for school so you won't need us picking you up and it has a built in navigation system", dad smiled adoringly at me.

"Thank you guys so much this mean so much to me", I said tears dripping down my face.


After saying goodbyes and setting up my satnav for school I was on my way. I arrived in near to no time arriving at around 08:40 and quickly gathered my things parking and exiting my car.

As I walked through the school grounds looking for the entrance I received many stares. I'm not surprised though I probably look lost, which I am.

Eventually after lots and lots of time I find the entrance am met with a busy hallway. I try to manoeuvre my way around them being pushed and shoved as I try, and fail, to locate the office.

Whilst going so I didn't notice the hallway almost completely shuffle out the way and knockainto a wall. Like who does that.

I jumped up gathering my things before realising I just bumped into the wall right next to the office. Luck, huh?

I made my way inside to the old lady at the reception desk introducing myself politely with a smile, "hello ma'am my names Alexis King and I'm a new student"

The lady looked up from her work with a smile, "hello honey my names Mrs Melliflower but you can call me Mrs Melli"

The lady got up with speed I didn't know she had and went diving through draws looking for, what I'm guessing is, my schedule.

Returning seconds later she gives me three pieces of paper, "so sweetie this is your schedule, locker number and combo along with a map of the school" she paused for a moment before digging through another draw and pulling out a piece of paper and writing on it before handing it to me "and you can give this to your teacher to explain why your late. Also all your books will be in your locker and have a nice day"

"You too ma'am", I waved heartily.

I walked through the deserted corridor using the map to search for my locker finding it in under ten minutes. SCORE! I then opened it up checking my schedule and emptying my bag in my locker.

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