Daily life of a senior

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Anxiety is pain in the ass. Once started, there is no off button. It goes on forever. But eventually you calm down. It's 3 am and I am totally sleep deprived. My teeth hurts, my heart too. I think about things I shouldn't think about, things which happened with me. The room's dark and I just watched Annabelle days back so I am kinda scared. I should probably try to sleep.
"No, this is not the track, quit playing and just play the damn music", I say to Johnu. He is a good friend. His name is Jonathon but I can't call him that. It is my duty as a friend to give me a lame nickname, hence Johnu.He irritates me like a lot a lot. I can't keep up with him most of the time. "Okay! Okay! Calm down Tay". He smirks. I've known him for as long as I can remember. Ever the annoying pest who doesn't know how to mind his own business. Anyway I skipped school today. It's depressing there. I am used to skipping. I have all the teachers under the impression that I am always sick so I get off the hook. Well this is not totally a lie, I do keep falling sick. Only sometimes though.


Did I mention I am at Johnu's place? Okay, I so did. It's 12 in the afternoon and getting all comfortable in the sofa I quickly slip into the blankets, all ready for a quick nap. "No, she is here, sleeping, I don't want to wake her up......... because I am too lazy to move, it's cold here........ why don't you just call her? You Big bug, I don't want to tell her, at least not yet" I hear Jo talking to someone in the phone but I pretend I am asleep. Are they talking about me? What is he hiding from me? Is he sick? Is he gay? Is he pregnant? Did he steal my undies? Omg! He must be totally talking about the cookies he stole from the kitchen one time, not long back. I put such dedication in making it. He must be totes guilty. Serves him right.... and boom, I drift off to sleep..

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