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My family is my everything. I can kill for them as well as live for them. I have an elder sister named Isabel and she thinks I am stupid but she loves me anyway. My family always thought of me as this this arrogant, obnoxious, stubborn, spoiled brat who couldn't do anything right. My mom in particular gets very frustrated with me. I blame it all on my dad though, he spoils me too much.

I was much more harder to deal with when I was a kid and It's absolutely funny that people thought I was the very reincarnation of devil, wild... very wild. I always caused trouble for everyone.

I was also confused for a boy when I was young. Short hair, baggy pants, loose tshirts. I remember always having to correct people that I was a girl and not a boy. I was laughed at every time people found out I was a girl.

One time at supermarket I was standing near the counter waiting for my father and this man next to me asked me to move and step aside. His exact words were "Son, you are in my way, move" and boy I snapped at the poor old man. Honestly I couldn't take anymore of people calling me son and little guy. My father had to apologise on my stead because I wasn't going to and dragged me out. He stopped visiting the supermarket for a while after that because he was too embarrassed. It was right after the supermarket incident that I decided to grow my hair.

My parents always wanted a baby boy, I wanted a brother as well so he could protect me, beat up boys for me and all, that sort of thing. I know it's stupid, but hey I was only a child back then. A child can dream you know. My mother was pregnant. But maybe God had different plans. She had miscarriage and after that they stopped trying. I didn't know what miscarriage was but I knew something was not right. My parents were gloomy for months but they got over it.

In my 16 years of existence, I have never been a serious child. Words like Hard work and patience have never been In my dictionary. Isabel on the other hand is the perfect daughter anyone could ask for. Perfect attendance and grades, good in sports, polite and kind to people. People are always drawn to her. She has that charm. It's always a pain when people compare the two of us. It gets annoying. I envy her a lot but I love her too much to hate her for being perfect and drawing attention to her.

'Tete, are you listening to me?'

"Huh!!!! Oh yes, yes I am listening''my sister's voice snaps me out of the trance.

'Shut up! You were so not.' She slaps my hand. "What the hell? I just spend fifteen minutes explaining you how this work only to find out your mind is somewhere else." Uh-oh looks like I pissed her.

"Sorry" I look at her with puppy eyes. "I was just thinking of something."

She sighs and  gets up from the stool "I am so not going to explain it you again" and leaves. I hear her murmuring "I can't believe I wasted fifteen minutes for something so stupid........that idiot" from a distance.

"I am sorry, come back" I yell. But it's already too late. She's already climbed the stairs, entered her room and locked the door behind her. I look at the bowls before me which has the ingredients. Not sure which is the flour which is the baking powder. It both looks the same to me.

"Now how do you bake a cake again?"

I am doomed.

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