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BamBam POV

Almost a week has passed since I sent that text. I may be paranoid but I think he's trying to avoid me. If he is, I'd like to at least know that he's ok. I'm worried sick about him - what if something happened to him? I'd never forgive myself.

I found myself wandering down to the local club. Heading straight over to the bar, I didn't care who I pushed out of my way, or who comes over to flirt with me. I've never been in a club alone before - I was always with Jackson, and he'd make sure that I was safe in there. But today was different - I was doing it alone with no clue what was going to happen.

Reaching the bar, I slumped down into one of the stools, leaning my arm on the counter top and resting my head in my palm.

"Anything you'd like?" The bartender asked me.

"Something strong." I replied. I didn't care what I was about to down, I just wanted to get the feelings of missing Jackson out of my mind - even if it was just for a little while.

The bright red substance was laid down in front of me, and I took a generous gulp of it. It tasted horrible, but I didn't care.

After a few more glasses of whatever it was that I was drinking, I decided that enough was enough, and just go home. I was halfway across the dancefloor, stumbling as I went, when someone grabbed onto my arm, leading me away into a quieter place where nobody was.

My vision was blurred, so I couldn't make out who it was that'd dragged me over here. The guy rubbed my arm from behind, breathing on my neck, resting his chin on my shoulder. His breath stank, presumably because of the alcohol intake.

"Jackson?" I slurred.

"Yes, it's me. Shh now." The guy wrapped his arms around my waist and we swayed side to side. Knowing that Jackson was back with me now was such a relief - I could finally relax.

"Let's go home now, hyung." I said to Jackson. He nodded and I lead him out of the club, and back home.

Kicking my shoes off, I went into the living room and fell down onto the sofa. Jackson followed in close suit, and hugged me. He felt a little stronger than before, but that was probably the drink making me weaker.

Jackson leant in to me and gave me a small kiss on my cheek, clearly trying to get to my lips. I turned my head and allowed him to engulf my lips in his, and soon we were moving in perfect sync with each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his arms around my waist. My fingers entangled themselves in his hair and gripped onto it tightly.

Jackson POV

I was in a taxi on my way back to my boyfriend. I told my mother that I couldn't be away from BamBam any longer, so she allowed me to go back to South Korea.

Walked up to the front door, I noticed that the house seemed quite dark. I pulled the keys out of my pocket, and jammed them in the lock. The door swung open and I carefully closed it, thinking that maybe BamBam was asleep.

Peeling off my jacket and sliding off my shoes, I placed them in the cloakroom and wandered out, past the living room and into the kitchen. Running the tap, I poured myself a cold glass of water.

"...I love you." I heard someone say. It sounded awfully like Bammie, so I assumed he was talking to me. I turned around, expecting his cute little face to be staring up at me, when in fact, nobody was there.

Setting my glass aside, I slowly trudged away out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"BamBam?!" I shrieked.

BamBam POV

Deepening the kiss, I paused to catch my breath. "I love you." I whispered to Jackson. He unbuttoned my shirt, and resumed the kiss.

"BamBam?!" I heard someone shriek. Breaking away from the kiss, I saw Jackson staring at me with pure anger in his eyes. I looked back at the man I was kissing - I couldn't make out his face. Looking back at the Jackson in the doorway, I realised - the man I was kissing, wasn't Jackson.

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