The Murder Princess-The request

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The beautiful sight of cherry blooms filled the streets. The sky was covered with petals falling down to the ground; one sat on top of my nose I brushed my hand over it letting it hit the ground. Fixing the Sheena around my face that covered my nose and mouth I continued to walk down the street. The king’s people filled the street wondering around either looking at the stalls or going to one of the bars around town. My eyes were glued to the ground not letting anyone get a glimpse of my eyes. Those were the one thing that separated me from the other king’s people.

Pushing the old wooden door, the bell above me dinged alerting everyone someone came inside.

With my head still down I sat in the corner of the room, looking for the man I was searching for.

“Can I get you anything sir?” a worker asked me,

Looking at her she say my eyes and gasped, “Oh my,” she whispered

“That will be all, Lucy” Another voice said pulling back Lucy from her shoulders.

She whimpered and ran with her tail between her legs,

“Women these days,” I mumbled placing my hand under my chin,

“You did give her a scare Amelia,”

“Not my fault, my eyes scare er’ old man.” I said looking at the man who had saved my life 8 years ago.

He smiled, and sat down in front of me “So what did you want to talk to me about?”

I looked at the old man who had silver hair that was brushed back. His small blue eyes and wrinkly skin made him look old and vulnerable. Yes he was old but far from vulnerable, I should know. I fought him once and I lost. I never loose,

“What happened at the palace?”

There was talk around the streets saying there was an attack at the Palace. I didn’t trust what I heard from the town’s people, only from Master.

The sound of men drunk and flirting with the waitress filled up the silence between me and master.

He sighed and placed his hands on top of the table fiddling with his thumbs,

“Leckman attacked the palace last night during the ball announcing the princess crowning ceremony.”

I scoffed, that really wasn’t a surprise Leckman wanted to marry the princess despite the age difference which was a very big difference. He’s tried so many times to have the princess marry him, having her kidnapped, trying to persuade her by giving her gifts, and sending her letters which were untraceable.

“He ended up wounding the King, Amelia. Very badly that he’s on the verge of dying.”

My face didn’t change in any way from the news, and I just looked at him “that’s disappointing, to hear that he’s dying”

Master nodded his head, “Yes and the princess has her coronation in 3 days. All of the council members are to join. The king wants to meet me privately,” he said then looked up at me, “Including yourself, Amelia.”

Now this was news that my face reacted to, “Why would he want to do that?”

Master shrugged his shoulder, “Don’t know, but we leave tonight and arrive by mid afternoon tomorrow.” He instructed getting up

“I’ll prepare the horses. Who else will be traveling with us?” I asked getting up too

“You, Jezebel, and I will go.” he said fixing his gloves on his hands

I nodded my head stifling a groan when I heard Jezebel’s name. If I could I would chop her up into tiny pieces, with my sword.

“I will meet you at the stables, until then Amelia please be safe.” he said then turned around and left the pub.

“No promises, old man.” I muttered leaving too; going to the small hut right outside the town.

When night fall came around I left the hut, with my sword called the rose princess hanging on my back. That was the only thing I needed to protect myself, that and the small dagger I keep in my waist band of my skin tight pant. The cloak that I had on before and the Sheena helped me cover up for unwanted visitors,

Walking to the stables, I saw Jezebel standing there with a young man. He looked about my age with brown hair, tied back low. They were talking among each other,

I rolled my eyes; this was typical Jezebel always having a man at her side when she departs. The men by her side were always different from the one before. I’m not surprised really; Jezebel is beautiful and graceful more than I could ever be. Hell a cow could be more beautiful and graceful than me!

Her long black hair would sway in the wind as she talked to a man, giggling at every word he said even if it wasn’t funny. Her emerald eyes would go wonders with her complexion, and her clothes always had to be in the current style. She was absolutely stunning, even with ridding clothes she looked pretty.

I got to the stables and stood next to my horse Thunder. He was a black stallion, with beady black eyes. He was a loyal beast, and always stands next to me no matter what the danger.

Petting his head, Jezebel came next to me sighing

“I never get tired of having men at my side,” she said

I snorted, “You never get tired of anything that involves about yer self,”

She ignored that, and I looked at me “You know, Amelia you should try to look decent when going to the Palace.” She said scrunching up her nose,

I went to Thunder’s side fixing the saddle on his back, “I ain’t going to change myself for some high class folks.”

Jezebel tsked, “You’re always ruthless, you should’ve at least brushed your hair.”

Running a hand through my long auburn colored hair, I looked at her “There I brushed it,”

She shook her head, “You’re hopeless, Amelia”

I smiled, “Don’t forget stubborn,”

Jezebel turned her head away from me, disgusted by my ways.

After a couple of more minutes Master came in,

“Yer late again, master” I said

“My deepest apologize, I had just gotten a letter from his majesty.” He said going to his horse, Brill

“What did he have to say now?” I mumbled getting on top of Thunder, who huffed.

“Nothing for you to fret over,” He said grunting as he got on top of his horse

“Well if there isn’t much to talk about can we be on our way? Robert will be waiting for my arrival,”

I cocked my eyebrow, Master did the same but we both didn’t say anything. Pulling of Thunder’s reins, he went out the stables and trotted into the night, heading for King Melrone’s Palace.

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