Chapter four

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Maya made her way over to the Matthews place as per usual. Today was going to be a long day. She had school and then her afternoon shift at topanagas which she was looking forward to because she would be able to spend the day with Riley. Opening the door to the Matthews she just walked right in and saw the one person she was hoping to avoid. Alexa.

She went straight to Rileys room and began her day. Unfortunately Alexa made sure to drop by the Matthews that morning. Practically dry jumping for him. She had definitely lost her appetite. 

When going to Rileys room she heard the noises of her best friend being sick. This fun day wasn't going to be so fun after all. She knew what was going to happen next. She would be forced to spend breakfast with Josh and Alexa. After checking up on her best friend Maya quickly made her way out the window and went down to the street where Lucas was walking up to the apartment building.

"Why are you sneaking out?"

"Rileys sick and if I had to stay there for breakfast I probably wouldn't hold it down for long"

"Ah Alexa?" He didn't have to wait for an answer he knew by the look on her face. " don't worry one day he will realise what had been there all along. I think he is close to it. Anyway I've got to go see you at school"

Josh sat on the couch with Alexa in his lap. She had never been this forward in his house. She had kissed him more passionately then she ever had when Maya had walked through the door. He ignored the fact that she had barely said anything to him and just focused on the girl in front of him. It wasn't until Lucas came through the door that she jumped off causing him to roll his eyes.

School was always a nightmare when Riley wasn't there. Maya had to pay attention, she hated it. But was worse was what happened next she was informed that her shift at Topanga's was going to be with Josh. Alexa was already pissed but this was going to send her over the edge.

When she walked in for her shift Josh was standing there serving customers giving them his cocky smirk that made Maya not only hate him but like him so much at the same time.  She walked over making small talk and trying to avoid him at costs. Alexa was horrible and she didn't want to wake the beast. When a few other workers came they went to bake out the back.

It was serious for a while but with Josh and Maya there was always the need to make the most fun out of a situation. They began to throw flour at each other and muck around for a split second Maya thought they were actually going to kiss, until she pulled away and left. She thought it was a moment she could forget about but it wasn't going to be. Little did both of them know a certain someone had been watching them.

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