The Most Magical Place in the World

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"Oh" Magnus added "I didn't have to do much at all, you can't really improve on something already perfect".

Alec felt his cheeks burn brighter and looked at Magnus almost as if on his own he reached out and hugged Magnus tightly. He'd never felt this amazing, and it was all Magnus' doing. "Thank you" he whispered.

HE TOOK IT BACK. HE TOOK IT ALL BACK! Magnus could burn. Alec hadn't stopped to realize and really think about what being a 'Disney prince' meant. It meant people. HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. Hugging him, asking him to say cheesy lines. Pictures! Some drunk girls had pinched his butt! Alec was dying. How on earth did he think that this was going to be a good idea? His entire shift was spent running around and being ogled. For someone as introverted as Alec this was torture.

Magnus followed close behind him almost the entire time, reapplying makeup, offering water, and occasionally latching on to him to ensure he didn't run away. The entire time a smile on his face. Whether he'd admit it or not Alec made a perfect prince. He was tall, handsome, and he filled the costume out just right. The only downfall to his plan was the fact that all the girls were clinging on to him. Magnus practically had to pry some of them off. Oh well, the sacrifices one had to make for art.

The sun was starting to set as the people dwindled down Alec finally was able to relax as all the crowds finally made their way out of the park.

"Well that was fun" he said soaked in sarcasm. "but, lets NEVER do that again."

Magnus just smiled. "but you did such a great job! And you looked so handsome!"

"Thanks Magnus. It's all cause of you!"

"Non-sense, all I did was put in the extra. Everything else was all you. You look so handsome."

"Thank you" he said again awkwardly, he never knew how to handle compliments.

"Can you humor me for a moment?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Can I take a picture with you, I've always wanted a picture with a prince"

Alec smiled. "Only if you can send me a copy"

Magnus smiled and cuddled up against his side handing his phone over to the taller boy. They both smiled as the camera snapped a picture. Magnus chose this exact moment to wrap his arms around Alec, burying his face against the crook of his neck.

"Thank you for doing this for me. You will never know how much I appreciate it" He whispered as Alec burned red but chose to tighten the hug, just this moment making every second of discomfort worth it.

The pair finally separated after several moments of bliss when another coworker joined them.

"Hey Magnus! Hey Alec!" came a third voice. It was Clary, the spunky red-head who worked in the art department next to Magnus'.

"Hello Biscuit!" replied Magnus welcoming her, but secretly upset she had ruined the moment.

"You did so well today Alec! You looked so good in costume!" she added easily.

Alec fidgeted where he stood. "Thanks Fray"

"Yeah! Everyone agreed, you should totally join the character group! I'm so glad you decided to give it a shot! I mean, we couldn't BELIEVE it when Magnus told us you wanted to try out!"

Alec's jaw dropped. "What?" Was all he managed to force out

"Yeah, Magnus told everyone that you wanted to give it a try but where too shy to ask so he asked Luke over in management!"

Alec's jaw dropped as he looked over to Magnus.

"oh, well look at the time! Gotta go! Bye darlings" Said the glittery boy running for his life, followed shortly by a rather angry Disney prince.

-Random Side note, upon searching for a disney related Malec pic I found this treasure. 



Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★!

I found the picture in google, and unfortunately could not find the artist names. Credit to whoever drew them.-

Malec ONE SHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang