fiffteen | dan

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More then one good thing came out the kiss. Dan could finally write the kissing scene for his and Phil's romantic story. Phil wasn't Dan's first kiss but his first kiss didn't give him much experience in the kissing department. It was in game of spin the bottle at his one of his friends twelfth birthday party. He kissed a girl named Riley who tried to stick her tongue in his mouth so he pushed her away. She started crying and left the party. It made Dan feel bad so he asked her out and they dated for about two weeks before she moved on to some other beau.

Phil wasn't there helping of course, Dan was finally beginning to feel better since his stay home on Friday so he offered to write a few chapters of their story since Phil wrote almost five without any of his help. It was of course Sunday night so he'd have to put the laptop away so he could get at least four hours of sleep before he had to get up six am. Well he says six am but he'll probably wake up half an hour later.

He actually enjoys waking up now. Phil had began doing this cute thing were he texts Dan before he goes to bed and when he wakes up each morning. Since he get up earlier then Dan it's always there when he wakes up in the morning. It's a great way to start his day.

He saved his third chapter of the night, put his laptop in the charger and tried to get some sleep.

Dan's mum arrived in his room shaking him awake and screaming though she knew he couldn't hear. He yawned reaching on the bedside table to check his phone.

philly: wake up danny your three day weekend is over

dan: a charmer as always

He felt sort of sluggish but he knew I was just the back to school feeling. This week couldn't go by quick enough, he could hardly wait for Christmas break. Three weeks off to drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas specials on tv.

He walked down the stairs after dressing, tugging on a sweatshirt along the way. His mum handed him a bagel that he could eat as he walked to school. He kissed his mum's check and was out the door.

He gobbled down his breakfast and scrolled through his Tumblr queue. He almost got hit by a car twice since he couldn't hear the horn when  jay-walking down the street. He put his phone away, blowing in to the air seeing the white wind rise. Now he knows why Phil worries so much.

When he arrived at him locker Louise tackled him in a hug. He felt her place a sticky note on his back. When she let go he reached to grab it.

glad you're back from having the plague

He laughed shoving the sticky note on her jacket in a playful manner. He took a few from her bag and wrote her one back.

Seen Phil yet

No I haven't see your boyfriend daniel

He stuck his tongue out at her the continued to opened his locker. Soon enough Zoe joined them. She seemed to have changed her ways just a little. She still hung out with her other friends but she always made sure she had time go speak with the three. She really was a good person, even if it was deep down.

She chattered on excitedly to Louise, pulling out her phone and showing her something making them both erupted in giggles. He smiled pulling out his books, he was glad they didn't have their middle school grudge toward one another anymore. It made life so much easier when they both got along.

Soon Louise was dragging him down the hall to class, Phil still hadn't shown up which made Dan worry. He shot him a quick text before turning off his phone. The lesson was boring as usual. The teacher gave him a packet explaining all the instructions to his math assignment, which was too much to handle, he probably fell asleep but he could quite remember.

That's pretty much how the rest of the day went, assignments, writing, and reading. It was a boring day without Phil it really was. But luckily enough when he it was lunch time he got a text from Phil.

philly: I'm sick

Dan showed Louise the text in which she said

I knew he shouldn't have gone over to see you

Dan rolled his eyes, he hadn't wanted Phil to go over and see him either. But Phil was a good person and if someone had to be miserable, he would be miserable with them.

"I'd better go check on him after-"

Louise shook her head rapidly. Then took out another sticky note.

If you go see him you'll get sick and then he'll go over to see causing him to be sick again

He rolled his eyes, Phil hadn't gotten sick because he'd gone over to see Dan. He'd gotten sick for a different reason. Remembering it made Dan smiled.

"Fine." he murmured.

Louise seemed pleased with this and went back to chatting aimlessly with Zoe. Lunch wasn't really fun without Phil around. He had already worked his ass off to write all those chapters, he absolutely refused to write any more. His hand twitched just thinking about it.

He looked out toward the window, his head in his hand. He could never sleep during lunch before. Number one rule about lunch at their school, never fall asleep during lunch if someone isn't watching you. The staff is shit, so if someone messing with your face or tries to nick your stuff, they'll most likey get away with it. But now he had friends, great friends that he trusted dearly. Even Zoe, she was an absolute sweetheart if you'd take the time and get to know her. His eyes drooped as he fell asleep at ease.

Dan called Phil when he got home. They hardly ever make calls since Dan can't hear or anything, but when they do its usually just Dan telling Phil a poem or a story. He'd always ask Dan to tell him a poem every now and then. It made Phil feel safe, he'd told him so himself. He couldn't tell when Phil picked up the phone most of the time, so Phil texts him just to let him know he's listening.

philly: I'm on le line

Dan smiled and began.

close close all night
the lover keep
they turn together in their sleep

close as two pages
in a book
that read each other
in the dark

each knows all
the other knows
learned by heart
from head to toes

"Goodnight Phil."

Seconds after he hung up, he received a text.

philly: goodnight dan

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