Chapter 10 Through Different Eyes

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(Jane’s Point of View)


            I stared through the glass of the conference room frowning at seeing Ashley so alone. Miss Asycock told her to wait in there, but forced me to stay out here in the lobby. I looked down at my feet, angrily clinging my fists. I couldn’t believe Sam would do this to her, just to get back at me for dumping him. A small smile crossed my face as I thought back to how mad Miss Asycock got when she found out what happened. I knew I was going to get suspended, but how could I let Ashley come here without me.

            It wasn’t until the sleepover that I realized how fragile she really was. While she was in fact changing, she just couldn’t forget, and it bothers her so much. Memories flashed a crossed her mind as thoughts did ours, memories I wish I could take from her. She is so incent, and it’s thanks to that incent that we were in this mess. Her incent was also part of the reason I cared about her so much, and the politeness she shows everyone just melted my heart.

            “Jane.” I looked up to find Miss Asycock waving for me to enter her office. As I walked over she looked over at Ashley and sadness filled her. She stepped back letting me pass, and I went to the seat in front of her desk. “Jane your actions weren’t very bright, but they were understandable, and partly justified. There for I’m not going to suspend you, but you are under academic probation. That means if you step out of bounds again, I will have no choice.”

            I couldn’t believe my luck, but I did take notice to the disapproving tone. There was a soft knock and Miss Asycock called out for them to enter. Mrs. Davis, our guidance councilor walked in frowning, which upset me seeing as she was with Ashley. “She hasn’t spoken a word yet.” I looked up at her with a frown.

            “Maybe I can get her to talk.” Mrs. Davis stared at me for a fraction of a second before looking up at Miss Asycock.

            “They seem to be close, so she would have a better chance than I would.”  Miss Asycock nodded, and I made my way a crossed the hall and opened the door to the conference room. Ashley didn’t even look up as I walked in, nor when I took the chair next to her.

            “I’m not suspended.” I said playfully, which did nothing. “Are you alright?” I asked softly, and smiled when she shook her head. “Sam an asshole, and I’m sorry he dragged you into our affairs…well not affairs… anyway I’m sorry.” She looked up and stared into my eyes, and for like the hundredth time I wondered what was happening behind those ruby eyes. She smiled causing me to as well, but I still had worry, because she hadn’t said a word yet.

            “Why aren’t you talking?” I asked taking her hand into mine, and watched as she closed her eyes taking a breath. Which made me feel good, to know that I had an effect on her. She shrugged, and I knew that was an answer to my question. We both looked up when we heard the tapping, to find Mrs. Davis waving to me. I frown getting up and walked over to the door. That was when I saw Ashley father, and psycho of a mother staring at their daughter.

            I froze wondering what Miss Asycock said to them, about what happened. I worried that Ashley’s mother would make her life hell if she found out about us. I thought her father would be cool with all this, so I really wasn’t worried about him, and neither was Ashley. I walked out as they walked in, and I turned to watch them interact. It was very obvious that Ashley shifted, so her mother was behind her. Her father was in front of her, and as he held out his hands she fall into them. “Does Ashley and her mom get along?” Mrs. Davis asked causing me to look at her.

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