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I walked into the too familiar place and sat my self down on the usual stool. A drink was careful placed down next to me and I thanked the half attractive boy. His name was Jimin, he always new what I wanted and made sure to customise my drink to just the way I like.

The music was blasting from every direction and it dulled my thoughts almost all the way down, almost. There was still one thing on my mind and that 'thing' was called Yoongi. He's ruined my life in multiple ways but also made it a whole lot better than before. We dated for a while but he left me for someone else. I don't know where he is now but all I know is that I need to see him again, even if it's just once.

I turned around standing up with the glass in my hand, and made my way towards the main stage area. I took a seat and waited for the special guest to come out on stage. The lights dimmed and the crowd of mostly men calmed a little. Curtains were pulled back and revealed a figure I knew instantaneously.

He looked as if he had done this too many times, he walked around the stage like he owned the place. His mint hair falling messily on his forehead and sweat dripping down his bare chest. Ropes were wrapped around his thighs and up over his shoulders, tinted a baby pink colour to match his hair. There was a white bow placed on the front of his lace panties that made him appear younger in some way.

The music stopped and then started a second later, I recognised the song that was playing. Mommae by Jay Park.

The boy started the choreography and was soon dropping to the floor, separating his legs and driving the entire place wild. All I could do was stare, this man on the stage was a monster, someone who could ruin your life in seconds or could make it the best thing ever.

The man on stage strutted over to the front of the stage and turned around so he was facing away, he then let himself slowly go down to the floor only to rise back up, but not forgetting to stick out his ass. A pole was placed attached to the floor and roof by his assistants and he soon started swinging around, spreading himself and bending in to strange but beautiful poses. Before I knew the show was over I was left in shock.

That was it, the last time I was ever going to see him again. And the way I saw him was going to be engraved in my mind forever. Him swinging round a damn pole as a stripper.


wtf happened with this one cuz idk. also it isn't even smut wth Niamh

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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