Chapter Twenty

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Twentieth chapter!! yay :)


*Johnny's POV*

Mackenzie sits on the bench and cries. I don't know how to handle this, I messed up.

"Okay, no more lies. No more secrets or pretending. It's okay, I promise," I move to sit next to her on the metal bench. My arms wrap around her and bring her into my chest.

"I'm sorry," I murmur into her hair, kissing her on the forehead. She takes in a shaky breath and pulls away to face me.

"Will you tell me the true story? Did you  sleep with Hailey?" my teary-eyed girlfriend looks me in the eyes.

"I will tell you the true story," I promise her, "right now."

*Mackenzie's POV*

"I will tell you the true story," he starts, "right now."

I hang on to every word he says.

"Around two and a half years ago, before either of us moved here, we lived in the same neighborhood. She lived four houses down and we saw each other all the time at school. We had the same friends and soon, she and I liked each other.

"Basically, it started off slow. We attended parties together, and hung out after school and on the weekends as a little more than friends. The flirting was fun, but it turned into more," I swallow, anticipating what's to come.

"Okay..." I let him know I'm listening. He looks down at the buttons on his varsity jacket and gulps.

"One night, we went to a party together and there was alcohol. I was stupid and I drank too much. She led me to a room upstairs and told me to wait while she disappeared down the hallway.

"Hailey came back into the room wearing black lingerie and tried to convince me to sleep with her. I almost fell into her trap but I realized what was happening and before we did anything I left and went home!" finishes Johnny as I sigh.

"I'm so sorry, babe," he whispers desperately. I look down.

"I believe you," my voice is raspy but I manage to get it out.

"Oh, good," his eyes light up slightly. "I thought I would have to get on my knees!"

"No, don't do that," I chuckle. Johnny takes a deep breath.

"I love you so much, Mackenzie. I don't ever want to lose you, so whatever happens between us I will try as hard as I can to fix it! Please, please believe that," he says before placing a kiss on my lips sweetly.

"I love you too, Johnny Orlando," I smile at him. I feel awkward, so I don't kiss back.

"Just because I believe you and love you and want to be with you doesn't mean we're perfect and back to being the same. I need space," I shift to a different position on the metal bench.

"Oh, okay," his eyes dim and he looks sad. My breath hitches but I don't give in and I get up.

"See ya," I mutter as I walk to the door. "And Johnny?" I turn to face him. He's hunched over and still on the bench.

"Thanks for being honest."


I flop on my bed and pull my MacBook onto my lap. Sometimes, I write down my feelings or what happened that day on my computer, so I can get it off my chest. It's better than having to tell a person, with feelings and a mind of their own.

"Okay, notes," I think aloud under my breath, navigating through the laptop. I sign in and click the Notepad option. A notification appears on the MacBook's screen, it's a text message.

I click on it and it's Lauren. I love Lauren, she's been with me through everything this past year. She helped me forget all the stupid guys and mean girls in our school and make real friends instead. But I don't want to talk to Johnny's sister.

I try and think of her as just my friend, nothing in relation to my boyfriend, but it's impossible. With Lauren comes Johnny and with Johnny comes Lauren. They're a pair, and I can't stand to talk to either of them right now! I wish I didn't feel like that.

"Hey, how are you doing? I know things have been tough, sorry about my idiot brother. Wanna talk about it? We can go to the movies or get ice cream or something!" her text reads.

My heart drops a little and I feel terrible. She's trying to help, as always, and I'm pushing her away because of a mistake her brother made?! It wasn't her fault.

I start to type "I'm so sorry Lauren, I just can't today" but decide to erase it. The least I can do is talk to her in person.

I walk to Lauren's door and knock on it. When Johnny answers it his face lights up and he tries to hide it, but I notice. I always do. Because I love him.

"Can we talk about it? What do you need? Why can't we move past this?" he asks ignorantly.

"Because it hurts, that you were with her! And now you're with me, and I'm completely different. And now I just hate it and I want to yell at you because it feels like nothing will be the same!" I raise my voice, just below a yell. "It feels like we should take a break or split up or something because it all got messed up!"

"Then why don't you? Yell at me or demand a break or whatever you want!" he yells and I hear his voice start to break.

"I can't do that, and you know it!" I yell back.


"Because, Johnny, I love you! So much that it's hard to breath! I don't want to love you that much, but I do!!" I scream, a tear streaming down my face.

Johnny doesn't have to say it, I know he loves me too. I know he doesn't understand me, he doesn't have to say it. I can tell.

I push past him and make a beeline for the stairs, managing to hold my tears. I was planning on saving the downpour until I made it to Lauren's room but she's standing on the stairs and as soon as I see her I start bawling. Lauren glares at her brother, the look accompanied by her middle finger.

Johnny rolls his eyes and shuts the door. I climb sluggishly to the top of the staircase and bite my lip, motioning for my best friend to follow me.

Lauren and I end up in her room, the door shut and me sprawled out on her bed. I have stopped crying and now my hand is rested on my forehead.

"You look impossibly dramatic," jokes Lauren. I don't bother to hold in the giggle and we both lock eyes.

"Ugh, I want to be mad, Lauren. At your  brother, at everyone. At anyone and anything, but I'm not!" I sigh.

"I know, Kenz," she murmurs. I have to figure this out, because I can't be mad at nothing.


A/N: 1183 words! I was trying so hard to get it out yesterday, but yesterday was my birthday and I was too busy! Love you❤️

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