Chapter Four

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"We're having a what?!" I asked, shocked, as everyone piled into my room with sleeping bags. "There's not even enough room in here for you guys to sleep!"

Shiro rolled his eyes. "Relax Lance. Allura said we only have to stay in here if we fall asleep before she locks the doors. Whoever's still awake gets to leave."

"Think you'll be able to handle it?" Keith raised an eyebrow. He was challenging me, that was certain, but I would beat him. I would never lose to him at anything. Ever. 

"If it means not having to share the same room as you." I smirked as he laid his sleeping bag right beside my bed. Did he want me to step on his face? "I'll do anything."

Someone's feeling better, I thought as Keith sat himself next to Pidge. It had been a few nights since we'd been trapped in a room together but we had been talking more than usual, especially since the others had decided that I was the one who was going to take care of him while he was sick. It hadn't been hard. He slept it off, for the most part. The few times he did wake up, I just came in to check on his fever and ask him how he was. There had been no more nightmares, thankfully. At least, he didn't wake up screaming and shaking from any he did have. Looking at him now, he was a lot livelier. As lively as Keith could get, that is. His eyes looked brighter today, like everything around him seemed that much more interesting. I couldn't help but admire his joy. It was nice to see him smiling again, even if it was barely a smirk. I didn't know why I cared so much to see him smile but I never wanted him to be like he was that night ever again. It wasn't fair that he had to think about losing Shiro that often, or even at all. I snapped out of my head and turned my attention back to everyone, slightly nervous as to what was in store. Everyone seemed to be chatting and getting along quite well, only silencing when Shiro cleared his throat to get our attention.

"I think, since Allura wants us to bond tonight." He began, gesturing to all of us. "And since we all seem to be in such good spirits, that we should play a game. Any suggestions?"

Pidge immediately perked up, nearly tumbling forward in excitement. 

"Truth or dare!" She shouted, grinning from ear to ear. "Unless you guys are too chicken to play it."

"Never." I smirked at Pidge, noticing Keith eyeing me up. It was on. "Who's gonna start?"

"Since you're so eager, why not you Lance?" She looked me in the eyes, no mercy to be found. I wasn't afraid, there was nothing I wouldn't do. I would beat Keith, no matter the cost. "Truth or dare?"


Truth was usually someone's way of chickening out but I wanted to wait until we were all doing dares. There wouldn't be a point in picking one, otherwise. Unless I wanted to be tortured and, with Pidge, I had a feeling that she would. I didn't know what she had planned for me but, with that mischievous smirk on her face, I didn't want to find out. Not yet, at least. When the time came, I'd accept whatever it was with open arms.

No matter how uncomfortable it was.

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone in this room?"

"Of course not!" I responded, appalled. "Why is that even a question?"

Everyone, aside from Keith and I, shared a knowing glance as I tilted my head in confusion, wondering what the hell they were thinking. Allura wasn't secretly in this room, was she? I turned around and looked under my bed, empty as usual. There wasn't anywhere else for her to hide, I realized, unless she'd managed to shrink herself down somehow. She was the only one I'd had eyes for here this whole time. I turned to Keith, who looked at me and shrugged. He wasn't in on whatever they were either, which didn't exactly soothe my nerves. This was really weird. Pidge sighed, shaking her head as if whoever it was, was obvious.

one hundred sleepless nights//klanceKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat