I Think You're Pretty Great. (Fanbulb)

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It was a clear night, the moon full and bright in the sky. A saddened little Fan was wandering outside of Hotel OJ to a sanctuary he called his own. It was a pond with billions of fireflies. It's where he came to think alone. But little did he know something, or someone, followed him that night.

Lightbulb always heard Fan in the middle of the night whenever he went to his sanctuary. So tonight, she decided to see what was up. She got up and quietly walked through the halls of Hotel OJ with her light shining, making her way outside.

Fan sat in his area, "knowing" he was alone. He sighed and dipped his feet in the water, getting his phone out. He opened his "notes" app and it opened to a bunch of poems about loneliness. He clicked the New button and started to make a draft, typing away with his thumbs. He sighed as his fingers were doing his magic.

Lightbulb made it behind a bush, turning off her light. She peered over the bush, and saw where Fan was. She smiled a bit in awe, thinking of how pretty it was. Bulbie heard Fan's sigh and knew immediately how he felt. It may have not seemed like it, but she cared deeply for her team. Especially Fan. She got up and walked quietly to the sanctuary.

Fan was too caught up in his own thoughts to notice that someone was present with him. He kept typing away until he heard a throat being cleared. He jumped and turned around, looking at the girl. "Heh, uh, hey Paper. I heard ya rustlin' your feet in the middle of the night, so I wandered with you. I had no idea you'd come here. Mind if I sit?" Lightbulb asked with a caring smile on her face. He nodded. "It's Fan, by the way." He smirked. "Ah. Then Fan, what seems to be the trouble? You are a part of my team, and I want to be able to make you guys as happy as I am to be here." She put a caring arm around his shoulder. "Well, to tell you the truth, Lightbulb, I feel like no one ever notices me here. Even after the Bucket Brigade. Even though I'm getting along with a couple people, a part of me still feels empty. I still feel like no one likes me. I'm not that great at challenges and..and.." he said, trying to not break down into tears. But nothing could hold his tears back, silent tears turned into sobs. Lightbulb held Fan close to her, letting him let out his emotions before she could speak.

"Well..I think you're pretty great.." she said as the two pulled away, their faces close. Fan went from being upset to being absolutely flustered. His mind raced, thinking that he was that close to THE Lightbulb. He had a goofy smile on his face. Lightbulb finally pulled him in for a passionate kiss, holding both of his hands. Fan hesitantly kissed back, following suit. After a few minutes, the two pulled away for air. "Even if it seems like I don't care for you, Fan, I really do. I care about everyone whether they're on my team or not. It doesn't seem like me, I know," she chuckled, "but I've competed with some of them before. Most of all, I care about you. Test Tube told me how you were feeling and I had no idea how to help you. But now I do." She smiled. "Bulbie, thank you. You have no idea how much this means to m-" "Bulbie?" She questioned. "It's a nickname. For you." He said with a slight smirk. "I love it," Lightbulb whispered, "Just like I love you.."

"I love you too..Lightbulb.."

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