Rainy day (laf x reader)

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A/n: this was requested by @Dear_Jared_kleinman

You sat in the bay window of your tiny apartment. Staring at the rain watching two drops race to the bottom. When your phone buzzed.
Laffy taffy: come over
(Your nickname): its ranning Laf…no
Laffy taffy: please! Im bored
(Nickname): no.
Laffy taffy:😢
You put your phone down and looked back at the window. You and Lafayette had been best friends for the longest time and you would be lying if you said you never thought the French man was cute. You thought about him as you continued to watch the rain.
A few minutes later something hit your window then again and again. And continued till you opened the window and stick your head out a bit to see a sokeing wet laf.
    "What the hell are you doing!?"
"Mom amour come dance with me in the rain and pretend like the world dosent excist!" He yelled up at you.
You looked  down at him and rolled your eyes.
    "Go home laf your drunk!" You said playfully.
    "Oui drunk on your love
You smirked and ran down and ran to him forgetting your jacket. You stoped not to far infront of him until you ran into his arms as he picked  you up spinning around and planting a kiss on your lips.

A/n: sorry if that wasn't good I did my best
I still hope you liked

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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