Chapter 45

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Kelsey went home later that day, promising that they would go on their date before the end of winter break. Remus looked at her carefully. "So Moony, while I was there I received an interesting letter. So when did I get proposed to?"

Remus cleared his throat as the two walked into their house. "Ms. Malfoy contacted me and described the situation in full lengths. So we decided it would be best for you two to seal it so that Mrs. Vintrapose and Goodman would stop bothering you with suitors. Do you ever see Kas's sister at the balls surrounded by suitors?"

"No, but you could've at least told him so he could propose and it would be official. But now we have to go on dates so that it looks official when he does propose." She said. She traced the markings on her collar bone.

"I just thought it would be best." Remus said solemnly.

"It's fine Moony. I just wish you had gone about it differently." She said smiling and hugging her guardian. Remus smiled and hugged her back. "Hey Remus?"

"Yes Kelsey?"

"How are you going to manage your monthlies without me for company?"

Remus chuckled. "I'll manage just fine."

"Oooooorrrrrr you can put up with me still." She said smiling. She backed up and shifted into Dawn. She barked as if she was trying to say TADA!

Remus stared at her quietly. He rubbed his eyes a few times. "When did this happen?" He asked quietly. Kelsey began describing why she did this and then realized, she was still dawn.

"Alright so KKJ thought it would be a great idea for them to become animagi so they could help me out on full moons, and I was quite upset, because I wanted to do it too. So we figured out how to do it and then BOOM! We became animagi. And we beat you guys by about two years. So HA! Take that James and Sirius!" She pointed to the direction of the sky.

Remus just stared for a few minutes and got up and walked to the kitchen. "So....would you like some tea?" Kelsey nodded.

The two spent the rest of the evening drinking tea and watching the television that Ted had given to them. They had to keep repairing it but it always made the house feel more homey.

"Kelsey, what do you remember about your parents?" Remus asked. Kelsey frowned and looked at him.

"What they look like and some memories about our house. Why?" She asked looking back at the telley.

"Do you miss them?" He asked, sounding slightly worried. Kelsey nodded.

"They were my parents so yes I miss them a bit. But I was two. And they weren't always around. I was with a nanny for the most part." She said. "Though it's kind of funny. I miss Sirius, who was put in Azkaban for 'murdering' Pettigrew, more than I miss my biological family." Remus nodded. "And I think I've had a better time here than I ever did with my parents. You should get married and have a kid. You'd be a great parent, especially to your biological child."

"Thank you Kelsey." Remus smiled before returning to their scheduled program.

(And I finally go to sleep at 2:03 am on a Sunday.)

"Merry Christmas!" Aunt Andromeda's voice sounded through the house. Kelsey groaned and put her pillow over her head. "Kelsey Titania Hamilton! Get your arse up!"

"But auntyyyyyy......." She whined. Andromeda huffed and Kelsey was suddenly being dragged by her ear out of the door.

"Mum! What are you doing to Titania!?" Tonks called. Remus was up and talking to Ted tiredly.

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