Chapter 3 Short Funeral in her toddler years

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"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to remember the lives of Sean and Méilin Hamilton. Who fought bravely against he who must not be named and brought vital information to help save many people's lives." Dumbledore spoke. Kelsey was standing beside both her parents' caskets putting a small bag in each. Her hair was cut shorter and she wore a hairband that her mother often had on. She wasn't crying. Just frowning.

"Kelsey?" Sirius said from behind her. She looked at him her frown turning into a smile.

"Sewious!" She gave him a big hug. Well she gave his knees a big hug. Sirius smiled and pat her head.

"Oh this is her?" A red haired woman asked. She was holding a tiny baby with black hair. "This is their child?"

"Are you talking about mommy and daddy? They are over there. In the boxes. See?" Kelsey pointed, frowning a bit when she thought about them.

"Yes this is Kelsey. Kelsey, this is Lily Potter." Sirius nodded smiling gently.

"But she's not a flower. Or a Pot. Do you make pots?" Kelsey asked Lily. Lily chuckled and shook her head.

"No, but I would love to try making pots someday. This is Harry." Lily gestured to the little boy, who was younger than Kelsey. He frowned at her and she frowned back. Harry started giggling and smacked his mother lightly.

"No hitting! That's rude." Kelsey scolded. "Why is your name Hairy? You don't have any hair!"

"Hello Padfoot! Long time no see!" A man with short black-brown hair and blue eyes hidden behind black square glasses.

"Prongs!" Sirius laughed. Kelsey tilted her head.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm James Potter." He smiled as Sirius messed up his messy hair.

"Are you Lily's hushband?" James chuckled and nodded. Kelsey motioned for him to come down to her level, to which he complied, kneeling down next to her. "You do know she's not a real flower, right?"

James burst out laughing. "No, no I didn't know that."

"Mommy always said that you should have no secrets when you get maw-maw-"

"Married?" Sirius offered. Lily looked so confused and Harry was staring into space.

"Yes! Mawied. So did you tell Lily you are a deer?" Kelsey asked. James looked at Sirius who shrugged.

"Yes Lily knows I can turn into a deer. And Lily, why haven't you ever told me that I wasn't married to a flower! I feel so betrayed!" James said dramatically.

"Really James?" Lily rolled her eyes, while Sirius just mockingly shook a finger at her.

"Can I hold Harry? Even though he has no hair?" Kelsey asked. James and Sirius burst out laughing. Lily smiled and nodded.

"Be careful. You don't want to drop him. Otherwise he'll turn out like those two." Lily glared at the two men who were catching their breath.

"But I like Sewious. He's like a big brother. And he is a dog." Kelsey frowned. Lily sighed as she thought of a better way to explain it to the young girl.

"Well we don't want to hurt Harry." Lily explained. Kelsey nodded.

"Okay!" Kelsey said. Lily made her sit down and put Harry into Kelsey's arms. Kelsey frowned at Harry who frowned back. Then the two young children laughed at each other. "Look what I can do Harry!" She turned her hair different colors, from yellow to red to blue to a green and many more. Harry cooed and tried to pull her hair. Instead of pulling away, she let him pull and touch her hair.

The young adults watched them, smiles on their faces. "So Sirius, she seems to like you." James smiled.

"Yes, she does. Dumbledore has assigned me as her caretaker. If I want to." Sirius shrugged.

"I think, now this might just be me, that she would be good for you." James shrugged back. Sirius chuckled and ruffled his friends hair.

"I think it's just you."

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