Chapter 4 Black robes

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Kelsey stayed with Sirius until they could decide on a proper home for her. They went and visited James, Lily and Harry almost everyday. And everyday, Kelsey would change her hair color and eye color. Days grew to weeks and weeks grew to months.

One day Sirius seemed particularly on edge and apparated before Kelsey woke up. When he returned he found the apartment messier and Kelsey on the ground in his closet with one of his leather jackets on.

"Kelsey?" He asked nudging her. Opening her eyes a bit, Kelsey looked around until she saw a concerned Sirius. She jumped up and put her arms around his neck and held on tight. "Kelsey whats wrong?" 

"You disappeared and didn't come back. Just like mommy and daddy." Kelsey cried. Sirius hugged her back and patted her back.

"Little Dragon, I would never leave you alone. I had to do something though and I thought you would still be asleep." Sirius soothed the crying girl and then made them both some eggs and bacon. James and Lily came in with Harry to find the pair curled up on the couch with the dishes doing themselves, the smell of bacon lingering in the house.

James snickered at the scene and took a picture. Lily smacked him lightly, making Harry giggle.

"Shh. He's sleeping." Kelsey shushed them. James apparated away quickly and didn't come back for about ten minutes, returning red faced and out of breath. Sirius was up by then and chatting with Lily who had the picture of them and was making two so that Sirius could keep one.

"Hey Prongs." Sirius smirked. "So how's life?" James smirked back and nodded.

"Good. So how was your nap?"

"Great. I slept wonderfully." Sirius said doing a hair flip. Because he's Sirius and he has enough hair to do that.

"Siwious! What's hogwash?" Kelsey asked. She was holding one of Sirius's Gryffindor ties.

"It's pronounced Hogwarts and it's the best wizarding school ever. All of us adults went there. Maybe you and Harry will go there too." James shoved Sirius out of the way to explain this resulting in James and Sirius to wrestle a bit. Lily rolled her eyes at the two and continued explaining what 'hogwash' is.

"Hogwarts teaches you how to use your magic. For example." Lily waved her wand and suddenly there were tiny glowing butterflies floating from Lily's wand into the air around them.

"Oooooooo." Sirius and James said, stopping in mid choke hold. I'll leave the positions up to your imagination. (;B

"Can they be dragons?" Kelsey asked causing Sirius and James to start chanting dragons over and over again.

"Sure." Lily said focusing on making the butterflies form a dragon. Suddenly there was a big dragon flying around the room. Harry, being the baby he is, started crying. Kelsey picked him up and made him look at the dragon with her.

"Look Harry! Aren't they am-ama-am-"

"Amazing?" James suggested.

"Amasing! You should fight one, someday. Not now though. Because right now you are a tiny baby and you can't even walk." She told him, eyes shining. "But Harry, I wanna be there when you fight it. You can't kill it though. No, killing it would be bad. Because then I would have to take care of the babies. I don't want to take care of the babies though." Kelsey rambled. Harry seemed to be listening and only payed attention to her. Not the awesome dragons that Lily took the time to make. Nope.

A little while later James and Lily left with a sleeping Harry waving goodbye. "We'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Kelsey asked. James shook his head.

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