What just happened

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Everlieghs Pov

"Hey Everdeen come on were gonna be late", i said yanking on her long strawberry blonde hair.

"EVERLIEGH STOP IT", she said as she yanked my long strawberry blonde hair.

Me and Everdeen are both 17 were gonna turn 18 in a few days we have longs strawberry blonde hair were a light sands color and we have the deepest greens eyes. We're really good dancers

"Fine sorry everdeen but let's go we're gonna be late", I said with sorryness by not really 😂❤️

I changed into a black skater skirt and a Lacey white crop top.


Everliegh woke me up by yanking my hair which was not pleaseant.

I went to change and put a white skater skirt on and black Lacey crop top. I wore that because our school has no dress code.

"Come let's go", I shouted to her from the living room.

We both did our hair in a sleek high ponytail and grabbed our bags and got in the car.

"Dang it, I can't find the keys", she said to me.

"Ugh we can't be in here no more so unlock this door", I said and all of the sudden the doors opened.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED", everliegh said to my startled.

" I-I -I I don't know all I did was rhyme", I said startled as well.

"Let's see if I can make my phone appear", She said with enthusiasm.

"I haven't learned my lesson in leaving it inside, so turn up my phone into my hand", She said as some turquoise went as she moved her finger and it appeared.

"I'm so confused", I told her as we got into her car we are so lucky that her car has a start button and we drove to school

Everliegh Pov

Me and everdeen just cast a spell we are so confused of what just happened but we roll with it

"Ever please be carful on your rhyming this is our little secret and Mariah we're gonna tell her and her only", I tell her before we leave the car.

"Ok", she tells me

It's a start of a new school and new ability of powers oh lord

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