Chapter 1

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The nurses and doctors of San Antonio Memorial Hospital were still grieving. Grieving the loss of one of their own, Dr. Topher Zia. One who took it real hard was a nurse. Nurse Sage Alister sister to Dr. Drew Alister.

Drew had found a way to help her heal or so he thought. He was teaching her to box at his gym also having her participate in his veterans program.

She had followed in her brothers footsteps, entering the military. She was one of the army's most talented snipers. And she had her demons. Like Drew she had lost someone to the war, a close friend. That friend being a Sergeant Nikki Dunn. They had been best friends threw high school, and had enlisted together. That day still haunting her thoughts and dreams.


"Hey sis" Drew says, Sage having just walked into the boxing gym.

"Hey, I'm gonna go change" She responds heading to the girls locker room.

She takes off her clothes quickly changing into her sports bra and patterned leggings grabbing her light gray zip up hoodie throwing it on.

She walks out into the main area her brother there waiting for her.

"The group starts in a half hour" Drew announces to her.

"Drew, why do bad things happen to good people?" Sage asks.

"You know I ask myself that everyday" he replies.


"Hey Drew, this is Locke" Mac says walking into the now filled gym.

"Hey Mac" Sage says running over and giving the old guy a hug.

"We are going to square up lock in the guillotine and bam" Drew says explaining with an assistant.

"Locke and Sage pair up"

Sage squares up first doing it. But when Locke does, he won't let go.

"Locke let her go" Drew yells.

Yet he still won't let go.

"Locke let my sister go" He yells again.

He still doesn't listen so Drew runs over, putting Locke in a headlock causing him to let go throwing him aside as his sister falls to the ground. He rushes over to her side.

"Call an ambulance" Drew says.

"Drew" Sage says

"Hey, hey don't move" he remarks.

"Drew I, I can't feel my feet. Drew I'm scared" Sage says trying it to cry.

"Ford call an ambulance!" Drew shouts. "I'm right here"


"Jordan, Sage is coming in, as a patient" Nurse Mollie says entering the room where there's a firefighter being treated.

"Go" Dr. Clemmens says so she pulls of her gloves leaving heading to the automatic doors waiting for her to roll in.

"Drew I'm scared" Sage cries.

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