A new gift

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I woke up with a big head ache it hurt so much I wanted to move but. My body refused I looked at my surroundings soft toys ever where piled up stack to stack and there was no light only a dim room grey coloured And kind of Boring since I couldn't do anything suddenly there was a Creak of a. Door opening. "Ahh hello dear you're awake I see? I DIDINT respond since he was hiding something behind his back I. Couldn't see cause i couldn't move and when I tried to speck my mouth was not moving the only movement was my eyes. I didn't even feel my breathing . "Well you were having you're little nap I fixed you up now you're my  perfect  little puppet don't you agree? He got. A mirror and showed it to me I was horrified my y/c was now ruined with stitches my mouth was there but sewed up I wanted to scream but all  that came out was muffled and it heart. "Shut up we don't want the stitches to come undone now do we or else il make you an actual doll and you will never EVER move again not even breath haha". Them words scared me so I shut up I didn't want to be a doll that means them dolls on the shelf's were probley real once upon a time poor thing's. I came out of my thoughts when something jabbed my arm I looked at him shocked it was a needle I hate I mean HATE needles as the flooded in to my veins my finger twitched then my arm then my legs and I was breathing properly I looked around and sore him in my face with a big grin this is to much for a 5 year old. "Oh I got something for you my dear child". He gave me box it was baby blue and Had a pink bow I opened it quickly I love gifts even if it was from a scary looking man I still love them I opened to See a dress and a ribbon it was a a greyish and white and looked about my size weird but I couldn't wear this but then again my pjs are wet and ruined from the chasing and rain I looked at him confused.
"Don't you like it dear? His face was confused but it looks a bit angry from not being great full his eyes were starting to change a tiny bit so I just nodded quickly to show I liked it   I DIDINT want anymore trouble " good girl" he said as he stood up and patted my head. "Now put it on and then we'll play. He said this with a villain smile and walked out when he slammed the door and locked it I DIDINT know if I should or should not but if I don't hell he will make me into a dolly I'm only 5 I want to live just A little at least.
5 mins later
"IM BACK! I was scared I put the dress on it was a perfect fit surprisingly. I was scared I DIDINT know him at all. "Now now don't be scared y/n I'm you're friend remember dear" yeah right I hate you. "Now what do you wanna play? Are you that stupid I can't talk jeez even hazel is smarter then him now that's saying something.  He wasn't scarring me now he was just testing me. "Oh right hold on this might heart allot. That grin came on his smug face as he got the string and pulled it roughly out my mouth AHHH! It heart I could tell he was enjoying my pain. He giggled the smiled what do you wanna play my dear Hmmm I was bored so "I know HIDE AND SECK TIGY! I yelled I     Loved that game me and my siblings news to play it all the time but now they don't since there older and don't have time for silly games they say. "Ohh good choice you  have 1 minute to hide 1 2 3.... Wait now!!! damn I need to hide quick I ran out the door where to next?

His puppet (reader x Jason the toymaker) (yandear Jason)Where stories live. Discover now