Luke smirks. "What about Jack or Ben."

I raise my eyebrow. "You're one of my best mates so hush."

He laughs.

My phone beeps.

Wifi Wifey 😍😘: Hey me and Alexis need to talk to you and Ash. Now.

Me: Okay baby. We'll be right there. What's wrong?

She doesn't reply and I feel my chest tighten. "Ash!"

Everyone jumps at my sudden outburst. I clear my throat and try to play it off like it's nothing.

"The um girls need us. Kota says it's important but I'm sure it's just cuz they missed us."

"Or they're horny as hell."

Luke throws a ball of paper at him. "Michael shut up one of those girls is my sister!"

He chuckles and Ash and I leave.

We drive to their apartment. The only sound is the car radio and my fingers tapping on my thigh nervously.


We arrive and we basically run up the stairs, stoping at floor three.

I bang on their door.

Alexis opens it with wide eyes. "What the hell?!"

We walk in.


She comes around the corner. "What?"

I run up and bear hug her.

She keeps her hand on my stomach, slightly pushing me away from hers.

I furrow my eyebrows but she just smiles softly and steps away from me.

Me and Ash exchange a look. I go over to him. "Kota push you away too?"

I nod. I look over and the girls are speaking in hushed tones and I'm really scared. Are we going to lose them?

They both nod at something then turn to us.

Alexis takes a deep breath. "What's a dad?" Dakota looks at me and Alexis looks at Ash.

We both shrug.

Dakota bites her lip. "Ya'll are dads."

Time stands still. I feel myself grin like a bafoon.

Ashton is already over to Alexis, spinning her around.

Dakota keeps staring at me. I slowly walk over.

"You mad?" Her voice sounds so far away.

I shake my head no.

"Then what Calum?"

I finally snap out of it as my head finally makes sense of the situation. "I think I love you." I kiss her forehead. "And this little one." I kneal down and kiss her belly.

She giggles. "That tickles."

I stand back up and smile at her.

She looks down. "I'm sorry. I didn't plan on this until after we're married. I just-"

I kiss her, cutting her off. She kisses back after a minute.

I pull away and smile again. Her eyes are wide and she looks breathless. I love that.

"That was a really nice way of telling me to shut up."

I hug her. She stands still then wraps her arms around my waist.

"You make me so happy Dakota."

She pulls her head away from my chest and smiles up at me. "Same to you Calum."


"I love you Alexis." I kiss her knuckles.

She glances over at Dakota and Calum. She grabs my wrist and drags me to her room.

"Woah babe! I already got you pregnant." I chuckle.

She rolls her eyes. "Ashton, be serious for a second."

I feel my chest tighten. Something's wrong. "Okay honey. I'll be serious."

She nods and takes a deep breath. She won't look me in the eyes.

"W-Would you be mad i-if I lost it?"

My eyes widen. "No of course not. It wouldn't be your fault baby."

She nods and finally looks up at me. Her eyes are glossed over. Tears...

"I love you Ash."

"I love you too. Marry me."


I pull the little box out of my pocket. "I've been waiting for the right time to ask so umm." I get on one knee. "Marry me?"

She stares at me. Please say yes....

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