A sad look took over her face. "I thought that we were friends and that I could trust her but, I guess that's not the case. It's only a matter of time before she twists the facts around to manipulate the boys. I remember how she was before, she can turn anyone she wanted into her puppet." Riley explained, walking behind me to grab my phone that I had placed on the low, wooden table.

"How did-"

"-I know what she said to you?"  Riley interrupted, asking the question before I could finish it myself. "I'm smarter than you think, Maya. I installed a voice recording app on your phone to make sure you didn't get in any trouble. After I saw the way you confronted me when you found out about- you know. I knew you were going to confront Danielle about me the same way."

I smirked. This girl knew me like the back of her hand, yet I couldn't recall more than 5 details about her past. (Neither could she)

Riley moved closer to me, staring down into my eyes with an adoring look. "That's why I didn't ask too many questions when you came home with that bloody fist the other day. I already knew what had happened."

I laughed sarcastically, feeling conflicted by my own emotions. On one hand, I was touched that Riley went out of her way to protect me. However it hurt to know that Riley didn't think I was capable of handling things myself. "I appreciate the thought, but like, that has got to be illegal." I chuckled.

The brunette didn't find the joke very funny. "I know you want to keep me safe Maya. But you have to remember that you're a part of this now too. I'm sorry that I dragged you into it, I didn't mean to. If anything ever happened to you, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. So I'm sorry if I invaded your privacy because I was scared that my girlfriend was going to get jumped or something."

"Girlfriend?" I asked shyly, my voice almost cracking as I uttered the 3 syllable word that managed to make me anxious.

Riley blushed when she realized what she had said. "Well... yeah, if that's okay with you. I thought we were-unless you-" Her nervousness only grew as she continued to speak, her beautiful brown eyes darted everywhere around the room to avoid eye contact with me.

"I'm really overwhelmed right now." I explained, cutting off Riley's stammering. "I like you a lot. In fact, probably more than that. Just give me a few days, okay?"

"Oh yeah, I shouldn't have rushed you on this. Sorry." Riley apologized, obviously very embarrassed.

"Hey, don't be embarassed. I want to be your girlfriend so badly, just not this way." I said, rubbing my thumb on the back of her hand as we held hands.

"The circumstances that we're in right now, it's just not ideal. I promise that once we fix everything I'll ask you out the proper way. We'll go on tooth achingly sweet dates in public and spoil each other and I'll finally be able to show you off to everybody. I want that label as much as you do Riley, but I know you deserve so much more than my shitty water damaged basement. If you'll wait, I'll make it perfect for us." I assured her, intending to maintain each of the things I promised her.

"You'll do that for me?" She asked, wide eyed.

I smiled warmly, showing her the grin that I had reserved for only her. "Of course I will honey."

"Lucas and Farkle?" Riley repeated once again, changing the topic rather harshly.

Riley did have a point when she argued that Danielle would most likely manipulate them to be against us. That didn't stop me from worrying about letting her meet up with them nonetheless. "What if they tell authorities?"

She shook her head. "I know them. Lucas and Farkle wouldn't do that to me. Besides, seeing familiar faces has been helping my memory. I just can't seem to remember what happened the night Mason was killed. Maybe seeing them will help me."

The idea was tempting. Having Lucas' help would make this whole situation substantially easier. However, I knew that there was no way Farkle would be able to meet face to face with Riley and  be okay. "Okay." I agreed. "Just Lucas though. You can't meet with Farkle, you just can't." I said, avoiding an explanation.

Riley tilted her head innocently and looked at me with concern. "How come?"

If wasn't fair to lie to Riley anymore. I had to tell her the truth. Deep breath. "I didn't want to tell you this since you were so excited about it when you remembered him, but Farkle hates you Riley. He's convinced that you were the one that did it and it's really bad."

Riley stayed silent and nodded maturely in response. Tears filled the brim of her eyes when she discovered what one of her best friends now thinks about her. I watched the girl bite her quivering lip to hold back from crying. "That's okay. That's okay." She repeated, trying to be strong. "Text Lucas right now, we only have so much time before Danielle gets to him."

"You're not worried about Farkle?"

"He's allowed to feel what he wants. If he finds out through Danielle and chooses to turn me in, then I deserve it." She gulped.


"Just text Lucas." She said, no emotion in her voice.

Unlocking my phone, I sent Lucas a vague, yet brief text that would catch his attention.

Come over, now. It's about Riley.

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