Chapter 7- Jealousy

Start from the beginning

~Beca's POV~  

As I was making my way back to camp I could've sworn I heard something so I quickly scanned the area but I didn't see anything so I carried on walking. I must have been walking for at least another 5 minutes before I heard the groan, I turned around only to come face to face with a walker which fell onto me making me fall to the floor.

I tried to reach for my hunting knife but the walker was too strong so I wasn't able to reach down to my leg. I started screaming, considering I was only two minutes away from camp I figured someone would be able to hear me and sure enough someone did. Glenn quickly pulled the walker off of me and was about to stick a knife into its head when an arrow flew out of no where landing between the walker's eyes. 

Glenn pulled me up quickly but when I had turned around Daryl was nowhere to be seen. Glenn and I slowly walked back to camp but before we had made it two steps into camp we were surrounded by concerned faces.

"B..Beca are you okay?!" Carl asked. I crouched down to his height and pulled him in for a tight hug.

"I'm fine Buddy, don't you worry." Before I had even stood up properly Lori had pulled me in for a bone crushing hug and was sobbing into my shoulder.

"I.. I thought something had happened to you, I would never have forgiven myself for letting you go out alone if something had happened. I'm so glad you're okay." Lori said so quickly it was hard to make out what she had even said.

"I'm fine, Lori. It was my own fault, I wasn't bein' careful, my mind was somewhere else."


After everyone had given me their sympathy I made my way on top of the RV to get some peace and quiet which was short lived when Jacqui started yelling.

"Jim's been bit!" She yelled.

To be honest, as terrible as it sounds I really couldn't be bothered with this shit so I let everyone else sort it out while I watched from a distance, that was until I saw Daryl look down at the pick axe in his hand. I knew instantly what he was thinking. I quickly jumped down from the RV and got in front of Jim just in time. Daryl was mid-swing when he realised I was in front of Jim and quickly stopped himself. 

"C'mon Jim, let's get you somewhere safe" I said giving him a slight smile. I took him inside the RV and sat him down on the bed at the back before returning back outside where Shane and Rick were arguing. 

"Can this camp not go one fuckin' day without gettin' at each others throats." I muttered loud enough for them both to hear me.

"What's goin' on anyway?" I questioned.

"Well, I want to give the CDC a try, whereas Shane on the other hand, wants to give Fort Benning a go."

"I'm with Rick on this one Shane, if we have any hope of getting Jim a cure it'll be at the CDC" I reasoned. 

Shane announced the decision to the group and we said farewell to Morales and his family who decided not to come with us, Shane quickly went through the travel arrangements. 

"Okay, Rick, Lori, Carl, Sophia and Carol are going in the Cherokee, Daryl and Beca are going in the truck, I'll be in my jeep, everyone else into the RV- no arguments." Shane said looking directly at me as he said the last part. 

Great, road trip with Daryl what could possibly go wrong. 

We headed out and got a few miles before the RV stopped, we all pulled over and congregated around the front of the RV. While we were talking Jacqui came running out saying that Jim had gotten worse. Shane and Rick went into the RV and carried Jim out, we all followed them until they stopped up by a tree and sat Jim in front of it.

It was time and we were all saying goodbye to Jim, I waited for everyone else to say their goodbyes before walking up to Jim.

"Are you going to be okay here Jim, I can get Shane to move you somewhere more comfortable if you want?"

"No, this is fine thanks.."

"I'm sorry this happened to you Jim, I wish it didn't, I wish we'd been quicker coming back with the guns, then maybe this wouldn't of happened."

"Don't go blaming yourself Beca, I just wasn't quick enough, don't let this get you down, people die everyday, they did before this shit even started, now it just happens differently. Can I give you some advice?"

"Sure" I said smiling, trying to make him feel as comforted as possible.

"I know it's none of my business but if you like him go for it, I know Daryl can be a tosser sometimes but he is a good person, he puts this group before himself on so many occasions, he needs someone like you to balance him out, you'd be good for him."

"Thank-you Jim." I said, I gave him one last hug before returning to the truck and getting in.

As we drove off I stared into the fields we drove past in my own world until Daryl snapped me out of my daydream. 

"Ye okay?"

"Yeah, fine, I was juss in a bit of a daze is all."

"If somethin's wrong ye can talk to me about it ye know?" Daryl said in what I presumed was an attempt to make me feel better. 



When we reached the CDC it was almost nightfall, we ran to the front where the closed shutters were, Rick knocked on them which attracted some unwanted attention.

"We got company!" I yelled

"You two take care of it." Shane said addressing me and Daryl.

"You're killing us!!" Rick screamed as Shane dragged him away. We were about to start running for the cars when we were hit by a sudden bright light...


Another chapter done! (:

Sorry this one is pretty bad, I had writers block and couldn't really concentrate!


-Will Beca take Jim's advice?

-What's going to happen between Beca and Shane?

-What were Rick and Glenn talking about?

-Will Beca and Daryl admit their feelings for each other?

Vote, comment and follow! :)<3

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