Maybe that was why Emerson didn't have the normal confidence every other player had, just in daily life. On the ice nothing would get in her way- but off she was careful and made sure she was always seen as... someone who would just take it? There wasn't a better way for her to put it, but she was technically in a man's world and was perfectly fine with that. But she had to learn to live it and now it was her life..

As she sat upon the white sheets of the bed only in a towel, her wet hair dripping down her back, and phone in hand... it began to vibrate suddenly. Appearing on the screen was the name; Coach Sullivan.

Right away Emerson answered the call.

"Hello, It's Emerson." there was a small bit of shakiness in her voice but she tried to remain not nervous seeming.

"Miss Rousseau how are you this morning?"

"I'm doing fine sir, yourself?"

"Very well. Since we're closing in on days till preseason begins, I would like you to come meet Mr. Fleury today. He's in town sooner so he can hopefully show you some of the ropes. We want to make sure, like every other rookie, that you're comfortable."

"Ah that sounds very nice, I'm excited to meet him." Emerson couldn't cease her smile, or the butterflies in her stomach. She had been waiting for almost four years to finally begin meeting her teammates. And those four years still held an uncertainty that it wouldn't happen.

"Perfect. Come to the rink around 3 pm if you would."

"Of course."

"Alright, Coach Bales will probably be there to see you as well."

"Sounds good I'll be seeing you around."

"Bye." Coach Sully was the first one to hang up with the small sounding click.

Still wrapped in only a white damp towel, Emerson fell back onto the bed with a small groan. That short conversation on the phone made her stomach drop, she probably sounded like a child. If she couldn't pull herself together to have a phone call with her own coach, what was going to happen around the rest of her teammates? She was in fact joining a team with the best player in the world and other superstars. Every move she made was about to be judged and here she laid feeling like an idiot.

Emerson still had a few hours before she had to meet up with Marc-Andre Fleury, which meant plenty of time for her to pull herself together. She had no clue what would be in store for today, so she had to be ready for anything at this point. If the two were going to be getting on the ice, which she had doubts on, all her gear was already there- so less to worry about. But anything else was up in the air that she could think of.

The next few hours would definitely be consisting of a state of constant worry that would turn out to be nothing. Emerson just tried to remind herself that when she joined her ushl and college team, she had these same feelings- and both worked out amazingly. Granted this was at a whole new level, but she needed to stay positive for her own being.

But soon all thoughts of 'strength' were drained from the girl as one certain text caught her attention-

"Can we talk?" -Gio


Emerson slowly approached the doors that led into the Penguins lockeroom. It obviously wasn't her first time in there, but now she'd be meeting a teammate. With a deep breath she pulled open one side of the large, decorative door and made her way in. The circular room never ceased to not catch her breath. The large Penguins logo, the lockers... everything so professional and just gorgeous.

Sitting on his phone on the seat in front of his locker was Marc-Andre Fleury himself. Immediately he set down the device, and a smile brighter than the sun appeared on his lips.

"Emerson! Amazing to finally meet you." of course his Canadian accent was very evident. He walked over to meet the young girl and pulled her into a hug.

"Ah you too!" she squeezed him back.

"We're all excited for you to be here. Sidney wanted me to emphasize that he's sorry he couldn't be here to welcome you any sooner. As Captain he takes welcoming rookies seriously so he regrets it."

"Oh! Well, he shouldn't worry." the fact the Sidney Crosby felt bad he couldn't come to see Emerson sooner made her feel surprised and shocked almost. But Marc's bright smile brought her back to 'earth' right away.

"Now that I got what he asked me to say to you out of the way.. let's get down to some fun things!"

"Sounds great."

For the first time in her career Emerson was going to be someone's rookie, not the top dog right off the bat. And in fact, it made her beyond excited that she wouldn't have to figure things out for herself, she'd have someone to lead her. Just the concept of being someone's rookie- felt special.

"So obviously I'm super excited you're coming up here. I know you've been working a lot with our developmental coach Buckley throughout the last couple years; he's been keeping coach Bales up on a lot of stuff who in hand tells me- so I think we're going to have a great season with you!"

"Oh thank you so much.." the younger goalie smiled with a soft pink tint coming to her cheeks.

"Well, let's officially get this super fun goalie tour on its way!"

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