5. Sorry

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Boris POV

I picked up bendy and sat him in the bed. I don't even know how this happened to him. I wouldn't forgive my self doing this.  I sat next to bendy, he was still asleep. "I hope I didn't do anything wrong because if I did the what will I do" I said having a worried look.

Bendy POV

I saw Boris sitting next to me. He looked sad and worried about me and I was feeling bad for him. I loved him and I don't want him to feel bad on what he did. "Boris? Is that you" I said. Boris looked at me and started to have tears on his face. He started to hug me and saying I'm sorry. "Bendy you have no idea how much I'm happy to see you and I'm sorry for what I did to you" Boris says to me. "Boris you have nothing to be sorry for, I'm your friend". I said kissing Boris on the cheek softly. He was happy to see me safe and sound.


Sorry if this chapter was short. I was busy for the last few day and I never had time to another chapter so yeah....anyways if you enjoyed this please leave comment

Thank you

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